Fakultät/Fachbereich: | Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät > Mathematik |
Lehrstuhlinhaber/in, Inhaber/in der Professur: | Pfander, Prof. Dr. Götz E. |
Wiss. Mitarbeiter/in: | Caragea, Andrei |
Wiss. Mitarbeiter/in: | Lee, Dae-Gwan |
Ehem. Mitarbeiter/in: | Maly, Dr. Johannes |
Adresse: | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Ostenstraße 26 - 28 85072 Eichstätt |
Telefon: | +49 8421 93-21790 |
Homepage/Webseite: | https://www.ku.de/mgf/mathematik/wissenschaftliche... |
Kontakt-E-Mail: | ya-chun.tsai@ku.de |
Begutachtete Drittmittel
- Abtasttheorie und Basen aus Exponentialfunktionen: neue Techniken sowie Anwendungen in der Nachrichtentechnik
Projektleitung: Pfander, Prof. Dr. Götz
Laufzeit: 2019 - Dezember 2025, laufend
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Schätzung von Kovarianzmatrizen unter sparsity-Annahmen
Projektleitung: Pfander, Prof. Dr. Götz; Volker, Dr.-Ing. Pohl
Laufzeit: Juni 2015 - 2022, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Diskret-wertige dünn besetzte Signale: Theorie, Algorithmen und Anwendungen
Projektleitung: Pfander, Prof. Dr. Götz; Fischer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert; Kutyniok, Prof. Dr. Gitta
Laufzeit: 2014 - 2018, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Abtastung und Identifizierung von Operatoren und Anwendungen
Projektleitung: Pfander, Prof. Dr. Götz
Laufzeit: September 2009 - 2019, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Maly, Johannes ; Pfander, Götz E.
Quantitative approximation results for complex-valued neural networks.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2021. - 19 S.

Quantitative approximation results for complex-valued neural networks.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2021. - 19 S.
Iwen, Mark A. ; Krahmer, Felix ; Krause-Solberg, Sara ; Maly, Johannes:
On Recovery Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds.
In: Discrete & computational geometry. 65 (15. April 2021). - S. 953-998.
ISSN 0179-5376 ; 1432-0444
On Recovery Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds.
In: Discrete & computational geometry. 65 (15. April 2021). - S. 953-998.
ISSN 0179-5376 ; 1432-0444
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Pohl, Volker ; Zhou, Weiqi:
Identification of channels with single and multiple inputs and outputs under linear constraints.
In: Linear algebra and its applications. 581 (2019). - S. 435-470.
ISSN 0024-3795

Identification of channels with single and multiple inputs and outputs under linear constraints.
In: Linear algebra and its applications. 581 (2019). - S. 435-470.
ISSN 0024-3795
Jung, Hans Christian ; Maly, Johannes ; Palzer, Lars ; Stollenwerk, Alexander:
Quantized Compressed Sensing by Rectified Linear Units.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 67 (2021) 6. - S. 4125-4149.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654
Quantized Compressed Sensing by Rectified Linear Units.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 67 (2021) 6. - S. 4125-4149.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Philipp, Friedrich:
A Balian-Low theorem for subspaces.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 25 (2019) 4. - S. 1673-1694.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851

A Balian-Low theorem for subspaces.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 25 (2019) 4. - S. 1673-1694.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
Maly, Johannes ; Palzer, Lars:
Analysis of hard-thresholding for distributed compressed sensing with one-bit measurements.
In: Information and Inference : a Journal of the IMA. 9 (2020) 2. - S. 455-471.
ISSN 2049-8772 ; 2049-8764
Analysis of hard-thresholding for distributed compressed sensing with one-bit measurements.
In: Information and Inference : a Journal of the IMA. 9 (2020) 2. - S. 455-471.
ISSN 2049-8772 ; 2049-8764
Pfander, Götz E.
; Salanevich, Palina:
Robust Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Time-Frequency Structured Measurements.
In: SIAM journal on imaging sciences. 12 (2019) 2. - S. 736-761.
ISSN 1936-4954

Robust Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Time-Frequency Structured Measurements.
In: SIAM journal on imaging sciences. 12 (2019) 2. - S. 736-761.
ISSN 1936-4954
Walk, Philipp ; Jung, Peter ; Pfander, Götz E.
On the stability of sparse convolutions.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 42 (Januar 2017) 1. - S. 117-134.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x

On the stability of sparse convolutions.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 42 (Januar 2017) 1. - S. 117-134.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
Gruppierung nach
Jahr |
Caragea, Andrei
Balian-Low phenomena, exponential bases and neural network approximation.
Eichstätt, 2024. - 203, 14 S.
(Dissertation, 2023, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
A Balian–Low type theorem for Gabor Riesz sequences of arbitrary density.
In: Mathematische Zeitschrift. 303 (2023) 2: 48. - 23 S.
ISSN 1432-1823 ; 0025-5874
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
A Note on the Invertibility of the Gabor Frame Operator on Certain Modulation Spaces.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 29 (2023): 3.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Voigtlaender, Felix
The universal approximation theorem for complex-valued neural networks.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 64 (2023). - S. 33-61.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
Gribonval, Rémi ; Kutyniok, Gitta ; Nielsen, Morten ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Approximation Spaces of Deep Neural Networks.
In: Constructive approximation. 55 (2022). - S. 259-367.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Bases of complex exponentials with restricted supports.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 521 (2022) 2: 126917.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kaplan, Alihan ; Pohl, Volker ; Lee, Dae Gwan
Data Transmission Over Linear Time-Varying Channels.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 70 (2022). - S. 3357-3370.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Romero, José Luis ; Van Velthoven, Jordy Timo ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Invertibility of Frame Operators on Besov-Type Decomposition Spaces.
In: The journal of geometric analysis. 32 (2022) 5: 149.
ISSN 1559-002x ; 1050-6926
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Caragea, Andrei
; Petersen, Philipp ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Neural network approximation and estimation of classifiers with classification boundary in a Barron class.
2022. - 42 S.
arXiv:2011.09363 -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
A note on exponential Riesz bases.
In: Sampling theory, signal processing, and data analysis. 20 (2022): 13. - 14 S.
ISSN 2730-5724 ; 2730-5716
10.1007/s43670-022-00031-9 -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Maly, Johannes ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Voigtlaender, Felix
Quantitative approximation results for complex-valued neural networks.
In: SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science. 4 (2022) 2. - S. 553-580.
ISSN 2577-0187
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Huber-Liebl, Markus ; Römer, Ronald ; Wirsching, Günther ; Schmitt, Ingo ; Graben, Peter beim ; Wolff, Matthias:
Quantum-inspired cognitive agents.
In: Frontiers in applied mathematics and statistics. 8 (2022): 909873. - 31 S.
ISSN 2297-4687
Kereta, Željko ; Maly, Johannes ; Naumova, Valeriya:
Computational approaches to non-convex, sparsity-inducing multi-penalty regularization.
In: Inverse Problems. 37 (20. April 2021) 5: 055008. - 22 S.
ISSN 0266-5611 ; 1361-6420
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Iwen, Mark A. ; Krahmer, Felix ; Krause-Solberg, Sara ; Maly, Johannes:
On Recovery Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds.
In: Discrete & computational geometry. 65 (15. April 2021). - S. 953-998.
ISSN 0179-5376 ; 1432-0444
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Fornasier, Massimo ; Maly, Johannes ; Naumova, Valeriya:
Robust Recovery of Low-Rank Matrices with Non-Orthogonal Sparse Decomposition from Incomplete Measurements.
In: Applied mathematics and computation. 392 (1. März 2021).
ISSN 0096-3003
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Dirksen, Sjoerd ; Maly, Johannes ; Rauhut, Holger:
Covariance estimation under one-bit quantization.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2021. - 26 S. -
Voigtlaender, Felix
A General Version of Price’s Theorem.
In: Journal of theoretical probability. 34 (2021). - S. 1474-1485.
ISSN 0894-9840 ; 1572-9230
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Almira, J. M. ; Lopez-de-Teruel, P. E. ; Romero-Lopez, D. J. ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Negative results for approximation using single layer and multilayer feedforward neural networks.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 494 (2021) 1: 124584.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Maly, Johannes ; Yang, Tainyu ; Dirksen, Sjoerd ; Rauhut, Holger ; Caire, Giuseppe:
New challenges in covariance estimation : multiple structures and coarse quantization.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2021. - 26 S. -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
A note on the invertibility of the Gabor frame operator on certain modulation spaces.
2021. - 17 S.
arXiv:2106.02365 -
Romero, José Luis ; Van Velthoven, Jordy Timo ; Voigtlaender, Felix
On dual molecules and convolution-dominated operators.
In: Journal of functional analysis. 280 (2021) 10: 108963.
ISSN 0022-1236 ; 1096-0783
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Cavoretto, Roberto ; De Rossi, Alessandra ; Erb, Wolfgang:
Partition of Unity Methods for Signal Processing on Graphs.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 27 (2021): 66. - 29 S.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Maly, Johannes ; Pfander, Götz E.
Quantitative approximation results for complex-valued neural networks.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2021. - 19 S.
arxiv:2102.13092 -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
A quantitative subspace Balian-Low theorem.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 55 (2021). - S. 368-404.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Jung, Hans Christian ; Maly, Johannes ; Palzer, Lars ; Stollenwerk, Alexander:
Quantized Compressed Sensing by Rectified Linear Units.
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM. (2021).
ISSN 1617-7061
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Jung, Hans Christian ; Maly, Johannes ; Palzer, Lars ; Stollenwerk, Alexander:
Quantized Compressed Sensing by Rectified Linear Units.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 67 (2021) 6. - S. 4125-4149.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Maly, Johannes:
Robust Sensing of Low-Rank Matrices with Non-Orthogonal Sparse Decomposition.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2021. - 23 S. -
Holighaus, Nicki ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Schur-type Banach modules of integral kernels acting on mixed-norm Lebesgue spaces.
In: Journal of functional analysis. 281 (2021) 9: 109197.
ISSN 0022-1236 ; 1096-0783
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Boßmann, Florian ; Krause-Solberg, Sara ; Maly, Johannes ; Sissouno, Nada:
Structural Sparsity in Multiple Measurements.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2021. - 12 S.
10.48550/arXiv.2103.01908 -
Petersen, Philipp ; Raslan, Mones ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Topological properties of the set of functions generated by neural networks of fixed size.
In: Foundations of computational mathematics. 21 (2021). - S. 375-444.
ISSN 1615-3375 ; 1615-3383
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
Weighted Zak transforms and the dual tiling condition.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 487 (15. Juli 2020) 2.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Cabrelli, Carlos ; Molter, Ursula ; Paternostro, Victoria ; Philipp, Friedrich:
Dynamical Sampling on Finite Index Sets.
In: Journal d'analyse mathématique. 140 (20. April 2020). - S. 637-667.
ISSN 0021-7670 ; 1565-8538
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Maly, Johannes ; Palzer, Lars:
Analysis of hard-thresholding for distributed compressed sensing with one-bit measurements.
In: Information and Inference : a Journal of the IMA. 9 (2020) 2. - S. 455-471.
ISSN 2049-8772 ; 2049-8764
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Bytchenkoff, Dimitri ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Design and properties of wave packet smoothness spaces.
In: Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées. 133 (2020). - S. 185-262.
ISSN 0021-7824
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Petersen, Philipp ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Equivalence of approximation by convolutional neural networks and fully-connected networks.
In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 148 (2020). - S. 1567-1581.
ISSN 0002-9939 ; 1088-6826
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Christensen, Ole ; Hasannasab, Marzieh ; Philipp, Friedrich:
Frame properties of operator orbits.
In: Mathematische Nachrichten. 293 (2020) 1. - S. 52-66.
ISSN 0025-584x ; 1522-2616
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Chou, Hung-Hsu ; Gieshoff, Carsten ; Maly, Johannes ; Rauhut, Holger:
Gradient Descent for Deep Matrix Factorization: Dynamics and Implicit Bias towards Low Rank.
Eichstätt : arXiv, 2020. - 38 S. -
Gernandt, Hannes ; Moalla, Nedra ; Philipp, Friedrich ; Selmi, Wafa ; Trunk, Carsten:
Invariance of the Essential Spectra of Operator Pencils.
In: Curto, Raul E. ; Helton, William ; Lin, Huaxin ; Tang, Xiang ; Yang, Rongwei ; Yu, Guoliang (Hrsg.): Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology - Ronald G. Douglas Memorial Volume. - Cham, Schweiz : Springer, 2020. - (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications ; 278)
ISBN 978-3-030-43379-6 ; 978-3-030-43380-2
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Kaplan, Alihan ; Pohl, Volker ; Lee, Dae Gwan
A Message Transmission Scheme for Linear Time-Varying Multipath Channels.
In: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2020), Atlanta, GA, USA (Virtual Conference), May 26-29, 2020. - Atlanta, GA, 2020
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Kaplan, Alihan ; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pohl, Volker:
Message Transmission through Underspread Time-Varying Linear Channels.
In: Proceedings of the 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020), Barcelona, Spain (Virtual Conference), May 4-8, 2020. - Barcelona, 2020
ISBN 978-1-5090-6631-5 ; 978-1-5090-6632-2
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Guth, Adrien ; Culotta-Lopéz, Cosme ; Maly, Johannes ; Rauhut, Holger ; Heberling, Dirk:
Polyhedral Sampling Structures for Phaseless Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurements.
In: Proceedings of 2020 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA). - Newport, RI, USA : IEEE, 2020
ISBN 978-1-7362351-0-2 ; 978-1-7281-9868-2
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Giribet, Juan ; Langer, Matthias ; Martínez-Pería, Francisco ; Philipp, Friedrich ; Trunk, Carsten:
Spectral enclosures for a class of block operator matrices.
In: Journal of functional analysis. 278 (2020) 10.
ISSN 0022-1236 ; 1096-0783
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Pohl, Volker:
Sampling and Reconstruction of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channels.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 67 (15. Februar 2019) 4. - S. 961-976.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Voigtlaender, Felix
; Petersen, Philipp:
Approximation in Lp(μ) with deep ReLU neural networks.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Bordeaux, France, 2019. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7281-3741-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Gribonval, Rémi ; Kutyniok, Gitta ; Nielsen, Morten ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Approximation spaces of deep neural networks.
2019. - 64 S.
arXiv:1905.01208 -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Philipp, Friedrich:
A Balian-Low theorem for subspaces.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 25 (2019) 4. - S. 1673-1694.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Pohl, Volker ; Zhou, Weiqi:
Identification of channels with single and multiple inputs and outputs under linear constraints.
In: Linear algebra and its applications. 581 (2019). - S. 435-470.
ISSN 0024-3795
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Gernandt, Hannes ; Moalla, Nedra ; Philipp, Friedrich ; Selmi, Wafa ; Trunk, Carsten:
Invariance of the essential spectra of operator pencils.
Ilmenau, 2019 -
Romero, José Luis ; Van Velthoven, Jordy Timo ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Invertibility of frame operators on Besov-type decomposition spaces.
2019. - 54 S.
arXiv:1905.04934 -
Sureau, Florent ; Voigtlaender, Felix
; Wust, Malte ; Starck, Jean-Luc ; Kutyniok, Gitta:
Learning sparse representations on the sphere.
In: Astronomy & astrophysics. 621 (2019): A73. - 17 S.
ISSN 1432-0746
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Dahlke, Stefan ; De Mari, Filippo ; De Vito, Ernesto ; Sawatzki, Lukas ; Steidl, Gabriele ; Teschke, Gerd ; Voigtlaender, Felix
On the Atomic Decomposition of Coorbit Spaces with Non-Integrable Kernel.
In: Boggiatto, Paolo ; Cordero, Elena ; de Gosson, Maurice ; Feichtinger, Hans. G ; Nicola, Fabio ; Oliaro, Alessandro ; Tabacco, Anita (Hrsg.): Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis. - Basel : Birkhäuser, 2019. - S. 75-144. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
ISBN 978-3-030-05209-6
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
A quantitative Balian-Low theorem for subspaces.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Bordeaux, France, 2019. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7281-3741-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
A quantitative subspace Balian-Low theorem.
2019. - 38 S.
10.48550/arXiv.1904.12250 -
Philipp, Friedrich:
Relatively bounded perturbations of J-non-negative operators.
Eichstätt, 2019. - 21 S.
arXiv:1903.03977 [math.SP] -
Walnut, David ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Revay, Shauna:
Riesz bases of exponentials for partitions of intervals.
In: Proceedings of 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA). - Bordeaux : IEEE, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7281-3741-4 ; 978-1-7281-3740-7
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Dirksen, Sjoerd ; Iwen, Mark A. ; Krause-Solberg, Sara ; Maly, Johannes:
Robust One-bit Compressed Sensing With Manifold Data.
In: Proceedings of 2019 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA). - Bordeaux : IEEE, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7281-3741-4 ; 978-1-7281-3740-7
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Salanevich, Palina:
Robust Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Time-Frequency Structured Measurements.
In: SIAM journal on imaging sciences. 12 (2019) 2. - S. 736-761.
ISSN 1936-4954
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Pohl, Volker:
Signal transmission through an unidentified channel.
In: Proceedings of 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA). - Bordeaux : IEEE, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7281-3741-4 ; 978-1-7281-3741-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Giribet, Juan ; Langer, Matthias ; Martínez-Pería, Francisco ; Philipp, Friedrich ; Trunk, Carsten:
Spectral enclosures for a class of block operator matrices.
Ilmenau, 2019. - 23 S.
arXiv:1903.01519 [math.SP] -
Petersen, Philipp ; Raslan, Mones ; Voigtlaender, Felix
The structure of spaces of neural network functions.
In: Proceedings of the conference SPIE 11138, Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, 2019, San Diego, California, United States. - s.l. : SPIE, 2019
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Time-Frequency Shift Invariance of Gabor Spaces.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Bordeaux, France, 2019. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7281-3741-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Cabrelli, Carlos ; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Molter, Ursula ; Pfander, Götz E.
Time-frequency shift invariance of Gabor spaces generated by integer lattices.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 474 (2019) 2. - S. 1289-1305.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
arXiv:1705.02495 [math.CA]
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Caragea, Andrei
; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Philipp, Friedrich ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Time-frequency shift invariance of Gabor spaces with an S0-generator.
2019. - 15 S.
arXiv:1904.12345 -
Petersen, Philipp ; Raslan, Mones ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Unfavorable structural properties of the set of neural networks with fixed architecture.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Bordeaux, France, 2019. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7281-3741-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Petersen, Philipp ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Optimal approximation of piecewise smooth functions using deep ReLU neural networks.
In: Neural networks. 108 (Dezember 2018). - S. 296-330.
ISSN 1879-2782 ; 0893-6080
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Petersen, Philipp ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Equivalence of approximation by convolutional neural networks and fully-connected networks.
2018. - 13 S.
arXiv:1809.00973 -
Behrndt, Jussi ; Philipp, Friedrich:
Finite rank perturbations in Pontryagin spaces and a Sturm-Liouville problem with λ-rational boundary conditions.
In: Alpay Daniel ; Kirstein Bernd (Hrsg.): Indefinite Inner Product Spaces, Schur Analysis, and Differential Equations. - Cham : Birkhäuser, 2018. - S. 163-189. - (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications ; 263)
ISBN 978-3-319-68848-0
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Leben, Leslie ; Martínez-Pería, Francisco ; Philipp, Friedrich ; Trunk, Carsten ; Winkler, Henrik:
Finite Rank Perturbations of Linear Relations and Singular Matrix Pencils.
Ilmenau, 2018 -
Christensen, Ole ; Hasannasab, Marzieh ; Philipp, Friedrich:
Frame properties of operator orbits.
Eichstätt, 2018 -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
; Pohl, Volker ; Zhou, Weiqi:
Identification of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channels Under Linear Side Constraints.
In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Proceedings. - Calgary, 2018. - S. 3889-3893
ISBN 978-1-5386-4658-8
10.1109/ICASSP.2018.8461863 -
Kaplan, Alihan ; Pohl, Volker ; Lee, Dae Gwan
On Compressive Sensing of Sparse Covariance Matrices Using Deterministic Sensing Matrices.
In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Proceedings. - Calgary, 2018. - S. 4019-4023
ISBN 978-1-5386-4658-8
10.1109/ICASSP.2018.8461312 -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Kaplan, Alihan ; Pohl, Volker:
Permissible Support Patterns for Identifying the Spreading Function of Time-Varying Channels.
In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Proceedings. - Calgary, 2018. - S. 4384-4388
ISBN 978-1-5386-4658-8
10.1109/ICASSP.2018.8462019 -
Petersen, Philipp ; Raslan, Mones ; Voigtlaender, Felix
Topological properties of the set of functions generated by neural networks of fixed size.
2018. - 51 S.
Philipp, Friedrich:
Bessel orbits of normal operators.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 448 (15. April 2017) 2. - S. 767-785.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kuessner, Thilo:
Fundamental classes of 3-manifold groups representations in SL(4,R).
In: Journal of knot theory and its ramifications. 26 (21. März 2017) 7. - S. 1-48.
ISSN 0218-2165
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kutyniok, Gitta ; Paternostro, Victoria ; Philipp, Friedrich:
The effect of perturbations of operator-valued frame sequences and fusion frames on their duals.
In: Operators and matrices : OaM. 11 (Januar 2017). - S. 301-336.
ISSN 1846-3886
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Walk, Philipp ; Jung, Peter ; Pfander, Götz E.
On the stability of sparse convolutions.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 42 (Januar 2017) 1. - S. 117-134.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Keiper, Sandra ; Kutyniok, Gitta ; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
Compressed sensing for finite-valued signals.
In: Linear algebra and its applications. 532 (2017). - S. 570-613.
ISSN 0024-3795
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Cabrelli, Carlos ; Molter, Ursula ; Paternostro, Victoria ; Philipp, Friedrich:
Dynamical Sampling on finite index sets.
Eichstätt, 2017 -
Duong, Richard ; Philipp, Friedrich:
The effect of perturbations of linear operators on their polar decomposition.
In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 145 (2017) 2. - S. 779-790.
ISSN 0002-9939 ; 1088-6826
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kutyniok, Gitta ; Paternostro, Victoria ; Philipp, Friedrich:
The effect of perturbations of operator-valued frame sequences and fusion frames on their duals.
In: Operators and matrices : OaM. 11 (2017) 2. - S. 301-336.
ISSN 1846-3886
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Cabrelli, Carlos ; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Molter, Ursula ; Pfander, Götz E.
Extra invariance and Balian-Low type obstructions for Gabor spaces.
In: Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Tallinn, Estonia. - Tallinn, Estonia, 2017
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Cabrelli, Carlos ; Molter, Ursula ; Paternostro, Victoria ; Philipp, Friedrich:
Finite sensor dynamical sampling.
In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA). - Tallinn : IEEE, 2017
ISBN 978-1-5386-1565-2
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Salanevich, Palina:
Geometric properties of Gabor frames with a random window.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Tallinn, Estonia. - Tallinn, Estonia, 2017
ISBN 978-1-5386-1565-2 ; 978-1-5386-1564-5
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Zhou, Weiqi:
Irregular Orthonormal Gabor Basis in Finite Dimensions and Applications.
In: Proceedings of SampTA 2017. - Tallinn, Estonia : SampTA, 2017. - S. 303-307
ISBN 978-1-5386-1564-5 ; 978-1-5386-1565-2
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Krause-Solberg, Sara ; Maly, Johannes:
A tractable approach for one-bit Compressed Sensing on manifolds.
In: Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Tallinn, Estonia. - Tallinn, Estonia : IEEE, 2017
ISBN 978-1-5386-1565-2 ; 978-1-5386-1564-5
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Molahajloo, Shahla ; Okoudjou, Kasso ; Pfander, Götz E.
Boundedness of multilinear pseudo-differential operators on modulation spaces.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 22 (Dezember 2016) 6. - S. 1381-1415.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Sampling and reconstruction of operators.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 62 (Januar 2016) 1. - S. 435-458.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Walk, Philipp ; Jung, Peter ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Hassibi, Babak:
Ambiguities on convolutions with applications to phase retrieval.
In: Matthews, Michael B. (Hrsg.): Conference Record of the 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. - Pacific Grove, California, 2016. - S. 1228-1234
ISBN 978‑1‑5386‑3954‑2
10.1109/ACSSC.2016.7869569 -
Römer, Ronald ; Huber, Markus ; Wirsching, Günther:
Ein Beitrag zur Gedankengeometrie kognitiver Systeme.
In: Jokisch, Oliver (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2016 : Tagungsband der 27. Konferenz; Leipzig, 2. - 4. März 2016. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2016. - S. 101-110. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 81)
ISBN 978-3-95908-040-8 -
Keiper, Sandra ; Kutyniok, Gitta ; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Pfander, Götz E.
Compressed Sensing for Finite-Valued Signals.
s.l., 2016
arXiv:1609.09450 -
Wirsching, Günther ; Straub, Carolin:
Extraktion und Vergleich musikalischer Rhythmen aus Aufnahmen von Klanghölzern.
In: Jokisch, Oliver (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2016 : Tagungsband der 27. Konferenz; Leipzig, 2. - 4. März 2016. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2016. - S. 263-270. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 81)
ISBN 978-3-95908-040-8 -
Kwon, Kil Hyun ; Lee, Dae Gwan
Generalized consistent sampling in abstract Hilbert spaces.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 433 (2016) 1. - S. 375-391.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Oswald, Peter ; Zhou, Weiqi:
Random reordering in SOR-type methods.
arXiv, 2016. - 12 S.
arXiv:1510.04727v2 -
Cabrelli, Carlos ; Molter, Ursula ; Pfander, Götz E.
Time-frequency shift invariance and the Amalgam Balian-Low theorem.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 41 (2016) 3. - S. 677-691.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Zhou, Weiqi:
Triangular truncation and its extremal matrices.
In: Numerical linear algebra with applications. 23 (2016) 4. - S. 642-655.
ISSN 1099-1506 ; 1070-5325
Pfander, Götz E.
; Zheltov, P.:
Estimation of Overspread Scattering Functions.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 63 (Mai 2015) 10. - S. 2451-2463.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Cabrelli, Carlos ; Molter, Ursula ; Pfander, Götz E.
An Amalgam Balian-Low Theorem for symplectic lattices of rational density.
In: Proceedings on the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 25 - 29, 2015, Washington DC. - Piscataway, New Jersey : IEEE, 2015. - S. 134-138
ISBN 978-1-4673-7353-1 ; 1-4673-7353-2 ; 978-1-4673-7353-1
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Han, Ki-reem ; Kwon, Kil Hyun ; Lee, Dae Gwan
; Lee, Jaekyu:
Consistent Sampling for Multi Frame Generators with Distinct Sampling Rates.
In: Sampling theory in signal and image processing. 14 (2015) 2.
ISSN 1530-6429
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Oswald, Peter ; Zhou, Weiqi:
Convergence analysis for Kaczmarz-type methods in a Hilbert space framework.
In: Linear algebra and its applications. 478 (2015). - S. 131-161.
ISSN 0024-3795
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Walnut, David ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Kailath, Thomas:
Cornerstones of Sampling of Operator Theory.
In: Balan Radu ; Begué Matthew ; Benedetto John J. ; Czaja Wojciech (Hrsg.): Excursions in Harmonic Analysis. - Cham : Birkhäuser, 2015. - S. 291-332. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis ; 4)
ISBN 978-3-319-20188-7 ; 978-3-319-20187-0
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Salanevich, Palina ; Pfander, Götz E.
Polarization based phase retrieval for time-frequency structured measurements.
In: Proceedings on the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 25 - 29, 2015, Washington DC. - Piscataway, New Jersey : IEEE, 2015. - S. 187-191
ISBN 978-1-4673-7353-1 ; 1-4673-7353-2 ; 978-1-4673-7353-1
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Regular operator sampling for parallelograms.
In: Proceedings on the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 25 - 29, 2015, Washington DC. - Piscataway, New Jersey : IEEE, 2015. - S. 44-47
ISBN 978-1-4673-7353-1 ; 1-4673-7353-2 ; 978-1-4673-7353-1
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Sampling Theory, a Renaissance - Compressive Sensing and Other Developments.
Hrsg.: Pfander, Götz E.
Basel : Birkhäuser, 2015. - 532 S. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
ISBN 978-3-319-19748-7 -
Wolff, Matthias ; Römer, Ronald ; Wirsching, Günther:
Towards Coping and Imagination for Cognitive Agents.
In: Proceedings of IEEE 6th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2015), Győr, Hungary, October 19-21, 2015. - Györ, Ungarn, 2015. - S. 307-312
ISBN 978-1-4673-8129-1
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Ferreira, Paulo Jorge S. G.:
Superoscillations with Optimal Numerical Stability.
In: IEEE Signal Processing Letters : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. 21 (Dezember 2014) 12. - S. 1443-1447.
ISSN 1070-9908
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Ferreira, Paulo Jorge S. G.:
Superoscillations With Optimum Energy Concentration.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 62 (September 2014) 18. - S. 4857-4867.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Ferreira, Paulo Jorge S. G.:
Superoscillations of Prescribed Amplitude and Derivative.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 62 (Juli 2014) 13. - S. 3371-3378.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Lee, Dae Gwan
; Ferreira, Paulo Jorge S. G.:
Direct Construction of Superoscillations.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 62 (Juni 2014) 12. - S. 3125-3134.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Krahmer, Felix ; Pfander, Götz E.
Local Sampling and Approximation of Operators with Bandlimited Kohn--Nirenberg Symbols.
In: Constructive approximation. 39 (Juni 2014) 3. - S. 541-572.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Zheltov, P.:
Sampling of Stochastic Operators.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 60 (April 2014) 4. - S. 2359-2372.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Zheltov, Pavel:
Identification of stochastic operators.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 36 (2014) 2. - S. 256-279.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kwon, Kil Hyun ; Lee, Dae Gwan
Invariance and Periodic Oversampling in Principal Shift-Invariant Spaces.
In: IEICE transactions. 97 (2014) 1. - S. 313-321.
ISSN 1745-1337 ; 0916-8508
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Ritter, Dennis ; Wirsching, Günther:
Konstruktion einer mikrolokalen Grammatik mit OpenFST am Beispiel einer Home-Entertainment-Anwendung.
In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2014 : Tagungsband der 25. Konferenz ; Dresden, 26. - 28. März 2014. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2014. - S. 97-103. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 71)
ISBN 978-3-944331-51-5 -
Lorenz, Robert ; Huber, Markus ; Wirsching, Günther:
On Weighted Petri Net Transducers.
In: Ciardo, Gianfranco ; Kindler, Ekkart (Hrsg.): Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency. 35th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2014, Tunis, Tunisia, June 23-27, 2014. Proceedings. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2014. - S. 233-252. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 8489)
ISBN 978-3-319-07733-8
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Oktay, O. ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Zheltov, P.:
Reconstruction of the scattering function of overspread radar targets.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 8 (2014) 9. - S. 1018-1024.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther ; Wolff, Matthias:
Semantische Dekodierung von Sprachsignalen am Beispiel einer Mikrofonfeldsteuerung.
In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2014 : Tagungsband der 25. Konferenz ; Dresden, 26. - 28. März 2014. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2014. - S. 104-109. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 71)
ISBN 978-3-944331-51-5 -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Zheltov, Pavel:
SIC-POVMs vs WSSUS : Quantum Information Theory meets Channel Estimation.
EMS Publishing House, 2014. - (Oberwolfach Reports ; 11)
Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Remarks on multivariate Gaussian Gabor frames.
In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 172 (November 2013) 2. - S. 179-187.
ISSN 0026-9255 ; 1436-5081
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Rauhut, Holger ; Tropp, Joel:
The restricted isometry property for time-frequency structured random matrices.
In: Probability theory and related fields. 156 (August 2013) 3-4. - S. 707-737.
ISSN 0178-8051
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
Sampling of Operators.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 19 (Juni 2013) 3. - S. 612-650.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grasmair, Markus:
Topological Derivatives and Image Segmentation.
Veranstaltung: 84. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 18.-22. März 2013, Novi Sad, Serbien.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung, Vortrag) -
Bauer, Martin ; Fidler, Thomas ; Grasmair, Markus:
Local uniqueness of the circular integral invariant.
In: Inverse problems and imaging : IPI. 7 (Februar 2013) 1. - S. 107-122.
ISSN 1930-8337 ; 1930-8345
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grasmair, Markus ; Muszkieta, Monika ; Scherzer, Otmar:
An approach to the minimization of the Mumford–Shah functional using Γ-convergence and topological asymptotic expansion.
In: Interfaces and free boundaries : modelling, analysis and computation. 15 (2013) 2. - S. 141-166.
ISSN 1463-9963 ; 1463-9971
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Römer, Ronald ; Wirsching, Günther ; Wolff, Matthias:
Ein Beitrag zu den natur- und geisteswissenschaftlichen Grundlagen kognitiver Systeme.
In: Wagner, Petra (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz ; Bielefeld, 26. - 28. März 2013. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2013. - S. 93-102. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation)
ISBN 978-3-944331-03-4 -
Molahajloo, Shahla ; Pfander, Götz E.
Boundedness of pseudo-differential operators on L^p, Sobolev, and modulation spaces.
In: Mathematical modelling of natural phenomena : MMNP. 8 (2013) 1. - S. 175-192.
ISSN 0973-5348
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Glück, Roland ; Köppl, Dominik ; Wirsching, Günther:
Computational Aspects of Ordered Integer Partition with Upper Bounds.
In: Bonifaci, Vincenzo ; Demetrescu, Camil ; Marchetti-Spaccamela, Alberto (Hrsg.): Experimental Algorithms : 12th International Symposium, SEA 2013, Rome, Italy, June 5-7, 2013 ; Proceedings. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2013. - S. 79-90. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 7933)
ISBN 978-3-642-38526-1 ; 978-3-642-38527-8
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Grip, Niklas ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
A density criterion for operator identification.
In: Sampling theory in signal and image processing. 12 (2013) 1. - S. 1-19.
ISSN 1530-6429
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
Gabor frames in finite dimensions.
In: Casazza Peter K. ; Kutyniok Gitta (Hrsg): Finite Frames. - Boston : Birkhäuser, 2013. - S. 193-239. - (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
ISBN 978-0-8176-8372-6 ; 978-0-8176-8373-3 ; 0-8176-8372-0
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Huber, Markus ; Kölbl, Christian ; Lorenz, Robert ; Wirsching, Günther:
Konstruktion von UMP-Transduktoren aus Wizard-Of-Oz Daten.
In: Wagner, Petra (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz ; Bielefeld, 26. - 28. März 2013. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2013. - S. 111-118. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 65)
ISBN 978-3-944331-03-4 -
Grasmair, Markus ; Scherzer, Otmar ; Vanhems, Anne:
Nonparametric instrumental regression with non-convex constraints.
In: Inverse Problems. 29 (2013) 3.
ISSN 0266-5611 ; 1361-6420
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kang, Sinuk ; Kwon, Kil Hyun ; Lee, Dae Gwan
Recovery of Missing Samples from Oversampled Bandpass Signals and Its Stability.
In: IEICE transactions. E96.A (2013) 6. - S. 1412-1420.
ISSN 1745-1337 ; 0916-8508
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Dong, Guozhi ; Grasmair, Markus ; Kang, Sung Ha ; Scherzer, Otmar:
Scale and Edge Detection with Topological Derivatives.
In: Kuijper, Arjan ; Bredies, Kristian ; Pock, Thomas ; Bischof, Horst (Hrsg.): Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision : 4th international conference, SSVM 2013, Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz, Austria, June 2 - 6, 2013 ; proceedings. - Berlin : Springer, 2013. - S. 404-415. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7893)
ISBN 978-3-642-38266-6 ; 978-3-642-38267-3
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Sparse finite Gabor frames for operator sampling.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), July 1 - 5, 2013, Bremen. - Bremen : Eurasip, 2013. - S. 37-40
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Wolff, Matthias ; Tschöpe, Constanze ; Römer, Ronald ; Wirsching, Günther:
In: Wagner, Petra (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz ; Bielefeld, 26. - 28. März 2013. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2013. - S. 197-204. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 65)
ISBN 978-3-944331-03-4 -
Grip, Niklas ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
A time-frequency density criterion for operator identification.
In: Sampling theory in signal and image processing. 12 (2013) 1. - S. 1-19.
ISSN 1530-6429
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther ; Lorenz, Robert:
Towards meaning-oriented language modeling.
In: IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2013 : 2 - 5 Dec. 2013, Budapest, Hungary ; proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - S. 369-374
ISBN 978-1-4799-1543-9 ; 978-1-4799-1545-3
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Grasmair, Markus:
Variational Inequalities and Improved Convergence Rates for Tikhonov Regularisation on Banach Spaces.
In: Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems. 21 (2013) 3. - S. 379-394.
ISSN 1569-3945 ; 0928-0219
Casazza, Peter G. ; Pfander, Götz E.
Infinite dimensional restricted invertibility.
In: Journal of functional analysis. 263 (15. Dezember 2012) 12. - S. 3784-3803.
ISSN 0022-1236 ; 1096-0783
10.1016/j.jfa.2012.09.008 ·
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grasmair, Markus:
Convergence Rates for Tikhonov Regularisation on Banach Spaces.
Veranstaltung: Workshop: Computational Inverse Problems, 21.-27. Oktober 2012, Oberwolfach, Deutschland.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Workshop, Vortrag) -
Wirsching, Günther:
Calculating semantic uncertainty.
In: 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications : (CogInfoCom 2012) ; Kosice, Slovakia, 2-5 December 2012. - Kosice : IEEE, 2012. - S. 71-76
ISBN 978-1-4673-5186-7; 978-1-4673-5187-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Grasmair, Markus:
Convergence Rates for Tikhonov Regularisation on Banach Spaces.
In: Oberwolfach Reports. 9 (2012) 4. - S. 3102-3103.
ISSN 1660-8933 -
Kalmes, Thomas ; Nieß, Markus ; Ransford, Thomas:
Examples of quantitative universal approximation.
In: Boivin, André ; Mashreghi, Javad (Hrsg.): Complex analysis and potential theory. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, 2012. - S. 77-97. - (CRM proceedings & lecture notes ; 55)
ISBN 978-0-8218-9173-5
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
Gabor frames in finite dimensions.
In: Casazza, Peter G .; Kutyniok, Gitta (Hrsg.): Finite Frames : Theory and Applications. - Boston : Birkhäuser, 2012. - S. 193-240
ISBN 978-0817683726
10.1007/978-0-8176-8373-3_6 -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter ; Wang, Yang:
A geometric construction of tight multivariate Gabor frames with compactly supported smooth windows.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 18 (2012). - S. 223-239.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther:
Nichtsequentialität in der Sprachverarbeitung mit FST.
In: Wolff, Matthias (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2012 : Tagungsband der 23. Konferenz ; Cottbus, 29. - 31. August 2012. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2012. - S. 26-33. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 64)
ISBN 978-3-942710-81-7 -
Frick, Klaus ; Grasmair, Markus:
Regularization of Linear Ill-posed Problems by the Augmented Lagrangian Method and Variational Inequalities.
In: Inverse Problems. 28 (2012) 19.
ISSN 0266-5611 ; 1361-6420
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther ; Huber, Markus ; Kölbl, Christian ; Lorenz, Robert ; Römer, Ronald:
Semantic Dialogue Modeling.
In: Esposito, Anna ; Esposito, Antonietta M. ; Vinciarelli, Alessandro ; Hoffmann, Rüdiger ; Müller, Vincent C. (Hrsg.): Cognitive Behavioural Systems : COST 2102 International Training School, Dresden, Germany, February 2011 ; Revised Selected papers. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2012. - S. 104-113. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 7403)
ISBN 978-3-642-34583-8 ; 978-3-642-34584-5
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Casazza, Peter G. ; Pfander, Götz E.
The Bourgain Tzafriri restricted invertibility theorem in infinite dimensions.
In: Oberwolfach Reports. 8 (2011) 1. - S. 955-957.
ISSN 1660-8933
10.4171/OWR/2011/17 -
Grip, Niklas ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Density criteria in operator identification.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 2 - 6, 2011, Singapore. - Singapore, 2011
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Grip, Niklas ; Pfander, Götz E.
Efficient Analysis of OFDM Channels.
In: Rohling, Hermann (Hrsg.): OFDM : Concepts for Future Communication Systems. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2011. - S. 109-114
ISBN 978-3-642-17495-7 -
Kölbl, Christian ; Huber, Markus ; Wirsching, Günther:
Endliche gewichtete Transduktoren als semantischer Träger.
In: Kröger, Bernd J. ; Birkholz, Peter (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2011 : Tagungsband der 22. Konferenz, Aachen, 28. - 30. September 2011. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011. - S. 176-183. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 61)
ISBN 978-3-942710-37-4 -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Zheltov, Pavel:
Identification and sampling of stochastic operators.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 2 - 6, 2011, Singapore. - Singapore, 2011
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Wirsching, Günther:
Semirings Modeling Confidence and Uncertainty in Speech Recognition.
Eichstätt, 2011. - 5 S. -
Wirsching, Günther ; Kölbl, Christian ; Huber, Markus:
Zur Logik von Bestenlisten in der Dialogmodellierung.
In: Kröger, Bernd J. ; Birkholz, Peter (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2011 : Tagungsband der 22. Konferenz, Aachen, 28. - 30. September 2011. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2011. - S. 309-316. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 61)
ISBN 978-3-942710-37-4
Pfander, Götz E.
; Rauhut, Holger:
Sparsity in time-frequency representations.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 16 (April 2010). - S. 233-260.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther:
Channel modeling and Levenshtein distances with context-dependent weights.
Eichstätt, 2010. - 22 S. -
Hong, Yoon Mi ; Pfander, Götz E.
Irregular and multi-channel sampling of operators.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 29 (2010) 2. - S. 214-231.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Window design for multivariate Gabor frames on lattices.
2010. - 46 S. - (Jacobs University Technical Reports ; 21) -
Krahmer, Felix ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Applications of the uncertainty principle for finite abelian Groups to communications engineering.
In: Bulgarian Journal of Physics. 36 (2009) 1. - S. 54-59.
ISSN 1310-0157
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Hong, Yoon Mi ; Pfander, Götz E.
Irregular and multichannel sampling in operator Paley-Wiener spaces.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 18 - 22, 2009, Marseille. - Marseille, 2009
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
Linear independence and coherence of Gabor systems in finite dimensional spaces.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 18 - 22, 2009, Marseille. - Marseille, 2009
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Krahmer, Felix ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
An open question on the existence of Gabor frames in general linear position.
In: Dahlke, Stephan ; Daubechies, Ingrid ; Elad, Michal ; Kutyniok, Gitta ; Teschke, Gerd (Hrsg.): Structured Decompositions and Efficient Algorithms. - Dagstuhl : Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, 2009. - (Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings ; 08492)
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Operator identification and sampling.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), May 18 - 22, 2009, Marseille. - Marseille, 2009
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Huber, Markus ; Kölbl, Christian ; Lorenz, Robert ; Römer, Ronald ; Wirsching, Günther:
Semantische Dialogverarbeitung mit gewichteten Merkmal-Werte-Relationen.
In: Hoffmann, Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2009 : Tagungsband der 20. Konferenz, Dresden, 21. bis 24. September 2009. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2009. - S. 25-32. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 54)
ISBN 978-3-941298-31-6
Krahmer, Felix ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Uncertainty in time-frequency representations on finite Abelian groups.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 25 (September 2008). - S. 209-225.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Rauhut, Holger ; Tanner, Jared:
Identification of matrices having a sparse representation.
In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 56 (15. Juli 2008) 11. - S. 5376-5388.
ISSN 1053-587x ; 1941-0476
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
On the invertibility of "rectangular" bi-infinite matrices and applications in time-frequency analysis.
In: Linear algebra and its applications. 429 (Juli 2008) 1. - S. 331-345.
ISSN 0024-3795
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
Measurement of time-varying multiple-input multiple-output channels.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 24 (Mai 2008) 3. - S. 393-401.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grip, Niklas ; Pfander, Götz E.
A discrete model for the efficient analysis of time-varying narrowband communication channels.
In: Multidimensional systems and signal processing. 19 (2008) 1. - S. 3-40.
ISSN 0923-6082 ; 1573-0824
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grip, Niklas ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Identification of time-frequence localized operators.
2008. - 75 S. - (Jacobs University Technical Reports ; 22) -
Huber, Markus ; Kölbl, Christian ; Lorenz, Robert ; Wirsching, Günther:
Ein Petrinetz-Modell zur Informationsübertragung per Dialog.
In: Lohmann, Niels ; Wolf, Karsten (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 15th German Workshop on Algorithms and Tools für Petri Nets, AWPN 2008, Rostock, Germany, September 26 - 27, 2008. - Aachen : Technical University of Aachen (RWTH), 2008. - S. 15-24. - (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 380) -
Krahmer, Felix ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Support size restrictions on time-frequency representations of functions on finite Abelian groups.
In: Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Bremen 2008. - Weinheim : Wiley Blackwell, 2008. - S. 10825-10826. - (Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ; 8)
Pfander, Götz E.
; Wünsche, Isabel:
Exploring infinity : number sequenes in modern art.
In: Arkhai. 12 (2007). - S. 41-66. -
Pfander, Götz E.
Note on sparsity in signal recovery and in matrix identification.
In: The open applied mathematics journal. 1 (2007). - S. 21-23.
ISSN 1874-1142
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
On the sampling of functions and operators with an application to Multiple-Input Multiple-Output channel identification.
In: Van De Ville, Dimitri ; Goyal, Vivek K. ; Papadakis, Manos (Hrsg.): Wavelets XII. Proceedings of the SPIE. - San Diego, California, 2007. - 67010T-1
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Krahmer, Felix ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Rashkov, Peter:
Support size conditions for time-frequency representations on finite Abelian groups.
2007. - 42 S. - (Jacobs University Technical Reports ; 13) -
Grip, Niklas ; Pfander, Götz E.
Time varying narrowband communications channels: analysis and implementation.
2007. - 125 S. - (Jacobs University Technical Reports ; 12)
Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Measurement of time variant linear channels.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 52 (November 2006) 11. - S. 4808-4820.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Operator identification and Feichtinger´s algebra.
In: Sampling theory in signal and image processing. 5 (Mai 2006) 2. - S. 183-200.
ISSN 1530-6429
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Benedetto, John ; Pfander, Götz E.
Frame expansions for Gabor multipliers.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 20 (Januar 2006) 1. - S. 26-40.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther:
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen : eine Einführung mit Beispielen, Aufgaben und Musterlösungen.
Wiesbaden : Teubner, 2006. - XV, 244 S.
ISBN 978-3-519-00515-5 -
Kozek, Werner ; Pfander, Götz E.
Identification of operators with bandlimited symbols.
In: SIAM journal on mathematical analysis. 37 (2006) 3. - S. 867-888.
ISSN 0036-1410 ; 1095-7154
Lawrence, Jim ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Walnut, David:
Linear indepencence of Gabor systems in finite dimensional vector spaces.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 11 (Dezember 2005) 6. - S. 715-726.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Janssen, Augustus J. E. M. ; Kaiblinger, Norbert ; Pfander, Götz E.
Note on B-splines, wavelet scaling functions, and Gabor frames.
In: IEEE transactions on information theory. 49 (Dezember 2003). - S. 3318-3320.
ISSN 0018-9448 ; 1557-9654
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther:
On the problem of positive predecessor densities in 3n+1 dynamics.
In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 9 (2003) 3. - S. 771-787.
ISSN 1078-0947 ; 1553-5231
Kozek, Werner ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Zimmermann, Georg:
Perturbation stability of coherent Riesz systems under convolution operators.
In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis. 12 (Mai 2002) 3. - S. 286-308.
ISSN 1063-5203 ; 1096-603x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Charina, Maria ; Jetter, Kurt ; Kehrein, Achim ; Kozek, Werner ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Zimmermann, Georg:
ISI / ICI comparison of DMT and wavelet based MCM schemes for time invariant channels.
In: Speidel, Joachim (Hrsg.): Neue Kommunikationsanwendungen in modernen Netzen. - Berlin : VDE, 2002. - S. 109-115. - (ITG-Fachbericht ; 171)
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Benedetto, John ; Pfander, Götz E.
Periodic wavelet transforms and periodicity detection.
In: SIAM journal on applied mathematics. 62 (2002) 4. - S. 1329-1368.
ISSN 0036-1399 ; 1095-712x
Jetter, Kurt ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Zimmermann, Georg:
The crest factor of trigonometric polynomials. Part 1: Approximation theoretic results.
In: Revue d'analyse numérique et de théorie de l'approximation. 30 (2001) 2. - S. 179-195.
ISSN 1010-3376 ; 1222-9024 ; 2501-059x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther:
A functional differential equation and 3n+1 dynamics.
In: Faria, Teresa ; Freitas, Pedro (Hrsg.): Topics in Functional Differential and Difference Equations. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, 2001. - S. 369-378. - (AMS Fields Institute Communictions ; 29)
ISBN 0-8218-2701-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Kozek, Werner ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Ungermann, Jörn ; Zimmermann, Georg:
A comparative study of various MCM schemes.
In: Proceedings of the 5th International OFDM-Workshop 2000, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg. - Hamburg, 2000. - 20.1-20.4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Pfander, Götz E.
Generalized Haar wavelets and frames.
In: Aldroubi, Akram ; Laine, Andrew F. ; Unser, Michael A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of SPIE, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII. - Bellingham, USA : SPIE, 2000
ISBN 978-0819437648
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Wirsching, Günther:
Lexikon der Mathematik.
Hrsg.: Walz, Guido
Heidelberg : Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2000
ISBN 3-8274-0433-9 -
Kozek, Werner ; Pfander, Götz E.
; Zimmermann, Georg:
Perturbation stability of various coherent Riesz families.
In: Aldroubi, Akram ; Laine, Andrew F. ; Unser, Michael A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of SPIE, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII. - Bellingham, USA : SPIE, 2000. - S. 411-419
ISBN 978-0819437648
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Wirsching, Günther:
Balls in constrained urns and Cantor-like sets.
In: Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen. 17 (1998) 4. - S. 979-996.
ISSN 0232-2064
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kellerer, Hans ; Wirsching, Günther:
Bottleneck quadratic assignment problem and the bandwidth problem.
In: Asia-Pacific journal of operational research : APJOR. 15 (1998) 2. - S. 169-177.
ISSN 0217-5959
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther:
The Dynamical System Generated by the 3n+1 Function.
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 1998. - VII, 158 S. - (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1681)
ISBN 978-3-540-63970-1 -
Benedetto, John ; Pfander, Götz E.
Wavelet periodicity detection algorithms.
In: Aldroubi, Akram ; Laine, Andrew F. ; Unser, Michael A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of SPIE, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VI. - Bellingham, USA : SPIE, 1998. - S. 48-55
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Benedetto, John ; Pfander, Götz E.
Wavelet detection of periodic behaviour in EEG and ECoG Data.
In: Sydow, Achim (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Berlin August 1997. - Berlin : Wissenschaft & Technik, 1997. - S. 75-80
ISBN 978-3896855503
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Wirsching, Günther:
3n+1 predecessor densities and uniform distribution in ℤ^*_3.
In: Proceedings of the conference on elementary and analytic number Theory, Vienna, July 18 - 20, 1996. - Wien, 1996
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Wirsching, Günther:
On the combinatorial structure of 3n+1 predecessor sets.
In: Journal of Discrete Mathematics. 148 (1996) 1/3. - S. 265-286.
ISSN 2090-9837 ; 2090-9845
Wirsching, Günther:
A Markov chain underlying the backward Syracuse algorithm.
In: Revue roumaine de mathématiques pures et appliquées. 39 (1994) 9. - S. 915-926.
ISSN 0035-3965
Wirsching, Günther:
An improved estimate concerning 3n+1 predecessor sets.
In: Acta arithmethica. 63 (1993) 3. - S. 205-210.
ISSN 0065-1036
Wirsching, Günther:
A theorem on global regularity of solutions of singular elliptic equations.
In: Applicable analysis. 42 (1991) 1/4. - S. 237-242.
ISSN 0003-6811 ; 1563-504x ; 1026-7360
Wirsching, Günther ; Deschauer, Stefan ; Waldi, Rolf:
Eine Bemerkung über die Gleichverteilung von dezimalen Endziffern bei Zweierpotenzen.
In: Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht : MNU. 43 (1990). - S. 52-53.
ISSN 0025-5866
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wirsching, Günther ; Kellerer, Hans:
Prime covers and periodic patterns.
In: Journal of Discrete Mathematics. 85 (1990) 2. - S. 191-206.
ISSN 2090-9837 ; 2090-9845
Wirsching, Günther ; Baues, Hans-Joachim:
Cohomology of small categories.
In: Journal of pure and applied algebra. 38 (1985) 2/3. - S. 187-211.
ISSN 0022-4049 ; 1873-1376
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