Fakultät/Fachbereich: | Philosophisch-Pädagogische Fakultät > Psychologie |
Lehrstuhl/Institution: | Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Psychologie |
Position/Funktion: | Wiss. Mitarbeiter/in |
Telefon: | +49 841 9348 6427 |
E-Mail-Adresse: | klemens.weigl@ku.de |
ORCID: | ![]() |
Sonstige Finanzierung
- menschINbewegung – Teilvorhaben: Akzeptanz automatisierten Fahrens/Subproject: Acceptance of automated driving
Projektleitung: Riener, Prof. Dr. Andreas; Steinhauser, Prof. Dr. Marco
Laufzeit: 2018 - 2021, abgeschlossen
Finanzierung: Sonstiges
Weigl, Klemens
; Schartmüller, Clemens ; Riener, Andreas ; Steinhauser, Marco
Development of the Questionnaire on the Acceptance of Automated Driving (QAAD) : Data-driven models for Level 3 and Level 5 automated driving.
In: Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour. 83 (2021). - S. 42-59.
ISSN 1369-8478

Development of the Questionnaire on the Acceptance of Automated Driving (QAAD) : Data-driven models for Level 3 and Level 5 automated driving.
In: Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour. 83 (2021). - S. 42-59.
ISSN 1369-8478
Weigl, Klemens
; Schartmüller, Clemens ; Wintersberger, Philipp ; Steinhauser, Marco
; Riener, Andreas:
The influence of experienced severe road traffic accidents on take-over reactions and non-driving-related tasks in an automated driving simulator study.
In: Accident analysis & prevention. 162 (2021): 106408.
ISSN 0001-4575

The influence of experienced severe road traffic accidents on take-over reactions and non-driving-related tasks in an automated driving simulator study.
In: Accident analysis & prevention. 162 (2021): 106408.
ISSN 0001-4575
Weigl, Klemens
; Pietsch, Leonie:
Persönlichkeitseigenschaften von Radfahrenden : Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Querschnittsstudie zum Fünf-Faktoren-Modell und PKW-Fahrstilen von Radfahrenden und Nicht-Radfahrenden in Deutschland.
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen. 73 (2021) 2. - S. 58-63.
ISSN 0020-9511

Persönlichkeitseigenschaften von Radfahrenden : Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Querschnittsstudie zum Fünf-Faktoren-Modell und PKW-Fahrstilen von Radfahrenden und Nicht-Radfahrenden in Deutschland.
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen. 73 (2021) 2. - S. 58-63.
ISSN 0020-9511
Weigl, Klemens
; Forstner, Thomas:
Design of paper-based visual analogue scale items.
In: Educational and psychological measurement. 81 (2021) 3. - S. 595-611.
ISSN 0013-161x ; 1552-3888

Design of paper-based visual analogue scale items.
In: Educational and psychological measurement. 81 (2021) 3. - S. 595-611.
ISSN 0013-161x ; 1552-3888
Weigl, Klemens
; Ponocny, Ivo:
Group sequential designs applied in psychological research.
In: Methodology : European journal of research methods for the behavioral and social sciences. 16 (2020) 1. - S. 75-91.
ISSN 1614-1881 ; 1614-2241

Group sequential designs applied in psychological research.
In: Methodology : European journal of research methods for the behavioral and social sciences. 16 (2020) 1. - S. 75-91.
ISSN 1614-1881 ; 1614-2241
Gruppierung nach
Jahr |
Weigl, Klemens
; Schartmüller, Clemens ; Riener, Andreas:
Development of the Questionnaire on Non-Driving Related Tasks (QNDRT) in automated driving : revealing age and gender differences.
In: Behaviour & information technology : BIT : an international journal on the human aspects of computing. 42 (2023) 9. - S. 1374-1388.
ISSN 0144-929x ; 1362-3001
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Weigl, Klemens
; Steinhauser, Marco
; Riener, Andreas:
Gender and age differences in the anticipated acceptance of automated vehicles : insights from a questionnaire study and potential for application.
In: Gender, technology and development / AIT, Asian Institute of Technology. 27 (2023) 1. - S. 88-108.
ISSN 0973-0656 ; 0971-8524
Weigl, Klemens
; Eisele, Daniel ; Riener, Andreas:
Estimated years until the acceptance and adoption of automated vehicles and the willingness to pay for them in Germany : focus on age and gender.
In: International journal of transportation, science and technology. 11 (2022) 2. - S. 216-228.
ISSN 2046-0430 ; 2046-0449
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Halling, Frank ; Weigl, Klemens
Medical status of elderly patients consulting two oral and maxillofacial surgery departments in Germany.
In: The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery. 60 (2022) 8. - S. 1097-1101.
ISSN 0266-4356 ; 1532-1940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Weigl, Klemens
; Nees, Michael A. ; Eisele, Daniel ; Riener, Andreas:
Acceptance of automated vehicles : Gender effects, but lack of meaningful association with desire for control in Germany and in the U.S.
In: Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives. 13 (2022): 100563. - 10 S.
ISSN 2590-1982
Weigl, Klemens
; Schartmüller, Clemens ; Wintersberger, Philipp ; Steinhauser, Marco
; Riener, Andreas:
The influence of experienced severe road traffic accidents on take-over reactions and non-driving-related tasks in an automated driving simulator study.
In: Accident analysis & prevention. 162 (2021): 106408.
ISSN 0001-4575
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Weigl, Klemens
; Forstner, Thomas:
Design of paper-based visual analogue scale items.
In: Educational and psychological measurement. 81 (2021) 3. - S. 595-611.
ISSN 0013-161x ; 1552-3888
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Weigl, Klemens
; Pietsch, Leonie:
Persönlichkeitseigenschaften von Radfahrenden : Erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Querschnittsstudie zum Fünf-Faktoren-Modell und PKW-Fahrstilen von Radfahrenden und Nicht-Radfahrenden in Deutschland.
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen. 73 (2021) 2. - S. 58-63.
ISSN 0020-9511
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Schartmüller, Clemens ; Weigl, Klemens
; Löcken, A. ; Wintersberger, Philipp ; Steinhauser, Marco
; Riener, Andreas:
Displays for productive non-driving related tasks : Visual behavior and its impact in conditionally automated driving.
In: Multimodal technologies and interaction. (2021) 5. - S. 21.
ISSN 2414-4088
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Weigl, Klemens
; Schartmüller, Clemens ; Riener, Andreas ; Steinhauser, Marco
Development of the Questionnaire on the Acceptance of Automated Driving (QAAD) : Data-driven models for Level 3 and Level 5 automated driving.
In: Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour. 83 (2021). - S. 42-59.
ISSN 1369-8478
Weigl, Klemens
; Ponocny, Ivo:
Group sequential designs applied in psychological research.
In: Methodology : European journal of research methods for the behavioral and social sciences. 16 (2020) 1. - S. 75-91.
ISSN 1614-1881 ; 1614-2241
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Wischert-Zielke, Moritz
; Weigl, Klemens
; Steinhauser, Marco
; Riener, Andreas:
Age differences in the anticipated acceptance of egoistic versus altruistic crash-control-algorithms in automated vehicles.
In: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2020. - New York : Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. - S. 467-471
ISSN 978-1-4503-7540-5
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Schartmüller, Clemens ; Weigl, Klemens
; Wintersberger, Philipp ; Riener, Andreas ; Steinhauser, Marco
Text comprehension: Heads-up vs. auditory displays : Implications for a productive work environment in SAE level 3 automated vehicles.
In: AutomotiveUI '19: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. - New York : Association for Computing Machinery ACM, 2019. - S. 342-354
ISBN 978-1-4503-6884-1
Wintersberger, Philipp ; Riener, Andreas ; Schartmüller, Clemens ; Frison, Anna-Katharina ; Weigl, Klemens
Let me finish before I take over: Towards attention aware device integration in highly automated vehicles.
Veranstaltung: 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung, Paper)
10.1145/3239060.3239085 -
Wintersberger, Philipp ; Riener, Andreas ; Schartmüller, Clemens ; Frison, Anna-Katharina ; Weigl, Klemens
Let me finish before I take over: Towards attention aware device integration in highly automated vehicles.
In: AutomotiveUI '18: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. - New York : Association for Computing Machinery ACM, 2018. - S. 53-65
ISBN 978-1-4503-5946-7
10.1145/3239060.3239085 -
Kundinger, Thomas ; Riener, Andreas ; Sofra, Nikoletta ; Weigl, Klemens
Drowsiness detection and warning in manual and automated driving: Results from subjective evaluation.
In: AutomotiveUI '18: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. - New York : Association for Computing Machinery ACM, 2018. - S. 229-236
ISBN 978-1-4503-5946-7
Eingestellt am: 03. Jan 2022 10:49
Letzte Änderung: 28. Feb 2022 17:18
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://fordoc.ku.de/id/eprint/3088/
Letzte Änderung: 28. Feb 2022 17:18
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://fordoc.ku.de/id/eprint/3088/