Fakultät/Fachbereich: | Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät > Mathematik |
Lehrstuhlinhaber/in, Inhaber/in der Professur: | Oliver, Prof. Dr. Marcel |
Wiss. Mitarbeiter/in: | Koul, Dr. Ojesh |
Wiss. Mitarbeiter/in: | Liang, Hao |
Adresse: | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
MIDS in der Hohen Schule Goldknopfgasse 7 85049 Ingolstadt |
Telefon: | +49 841 937-23258 |
Homepage/Webseite: | https://www.ku.de/mgf/mathematik/lehrstuehle-profe... |
Kontakt-E-Mail: | katharina.puechner@ku.de |
Begutachtete Drittmittel
- Transregio Sonderforschungsbereich TRR 181 "Energy Transfer in Atmosphere and Ocean", dabei Teilprojekte M3 "Towards onsistent subgrid momentum closures" und L2 "Quantifying dynamical regimes in the Ocean and in the Atmosphere"
Projektleitung: Oliver, Prof. Dr. Marcel; Jäger, Dr. Janin
Laufzeit: 1. Juli 2024 - 30. Juni 2028, laufend
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Semilineare Wellengleichungen - Dämpfung, Asymptotik und exponentielle Integratoren im hochfrequenten Limes
Projektleitung: Monnet, Dr. Alexandre
Laufzeit: 1. April 2022 - 30. September 2024, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Interpolation mit Kernfunktionen auf riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten
Projektleitung: Jäger, Dr. Janin
Laufzeit: 6. April 2021 - 30. Juni 2025, laufend
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Transregio Sonderforschungsbereich TRR 181 "Energy Transfer in Atmosphere and Ocean", dabei Teilprojekte M3 "Towards onsistent subgrid momentum closures" und L2 "Quantifying dynamical regimes in the Ocean and in the Atmosphere"
Projektleitung: Oliver, Prof. Dr. Marcel
Laufzeit: 1. Juli 2020 - 30. Juni 2024, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Verteilung von Nullstellen, Extremalpunkten und Oszillationspunkten bei rationalen Approximationen
Projektleitung: Blatt, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter
Laufzeit: 10. Oktober 2007 - 30. November 2010, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: DFG
- The inverse logarithmic potential problem and metric properties of complex polynomials
Projektleitung: Blatt, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter
Laufzeit: 1. Mai 2004 - 30. Juni 2004, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
- Diskrepanzabschätzungen
Projektleitung: Blatt, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter
Laufzeit: 1999 - 2001, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Discrepancy estimates for interpolation points in $L_1$-approximation
Projektleitung: Blatt, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter
Laufzeit: 1996 - , abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); Maximilian Bickhoff Universitätsstiftung Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- Discrepancy Theorems
Projektleitung: Blatt, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter
Laufzeit: 1992 - 1993, abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung - Rationale Tschebyscheff-Approximation über $[0,\infty]$
Projektleitung: Blatt, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter
Laufzeit: 1992 - , abgeschlossen
Geldgeber: DAAD
Gruppierung nach
Jahr |
Buhmann, Martin ; Jäger, Janin ; Jódar, Joaquín ; Rodriguez, Miguel L.:
New methods for quasi-interpolation approximations : Resolution of odd-degree singularities.
In: Mathematics and computers in simulation : transactions of IMACS / International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 223 (September 2024). - S. 50-64.
ISSN 0378-4754 ; 0020-594x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Near-Circularity in Capacity and Maximally Convergent Polynomials.
In: Computational methods and function theory. (13. März 2024). - 22 S.
ISSN 1617-9447 ; 2195-3724
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kutsenko, Anton:
Complete Left Tail Asymptotic for the Density of Branching Processes in the Schröder Case.
In: The journal of Fourier analysis and applications. 30 (2024): 39. - 12 S.
ISSN 1069-5869 ; 1531-5851
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Guella, Jean Carlo ; Jäger, Janin:
Strictly positive definite non-isotropic kernels on two-point homogeneous manifolds : the asymptotic approach.
In: Positivity. 28 (2024): 4. - 14 S.
ISSN 1385-1292 ; 1572-9281
Kutsenko, Anton:
Approximation of the Number of Descendants in Branching Processes.
In: Journal of statistical physics. 190 (2023) 3: 68.
ISSN 1572-9613 ; 0022-4715
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Chouksey, Manita ; Eden, Carsten ; Masur, Gökce Tuba ; Oliver, Marcel
A comparison of methods to balance geophysical flows.
In: Journal of fluid mechanics. 971 (2023). - 19 S.
ISSN 0022-1120 ; 1469-7645
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Darbenas, Zymantas ; van der Hout, Rein ; Oliver, Marcel
Conditional uniqueness of solutions to the Keller–Rubinow model for Liesegang rings in the fast reaction limit.
In: Journal of differential equations. 347 (2023). - S. 212-245.
ISSN 1090-2732 ; 0022-0396
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kutsenko, Anton:
A note on exotic integrals.
In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 151 (2023) 4. - S. 1697-1703.
ISSN 0002-9939 ; 1088-6826
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Masur, Gökce Tuba ; Mohamad, Haidar ; Oliver, Marcel
Quasi-Convergence of an Implementation of Optimal Balance by Backward-Forward Nudging.
In: Multiscale modeling & simulation. 21 (2023) 2. - S. 624-640.
ISSN 1540-3467 ; 1540-3459
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Juricke, Stephan ; Bellinghausen, Kai ; Danilov, Sergey ; Kutsenko, Anton ; Oliver, Marcel
Scale Analysis on Unstructured Grids : Kinetic Energy and Dissipation Power Spectra on Triangular Meshes.
In: Journal of advances in modeling earth systems. 15 (2023) 1. - 20 S.
ISSN 1942-2466
Darbenas, Zymantas ; van der Hout, Rein ; Oliver, Marcel
Long-time asymptotics of solutions to the Keller–Rubinow model for Liesegang rings in the fast reaction limit.
In: Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. C, Nonlinear analysis. 39 (2022) 6. - S. 1413-1458. - 46 S.
ISSN 1873-1430 ; 0294-1449
Darbenas, Zymantas ; Oliver, Marcel
Breakdown of Liesegang precipitation bands in a simplified fast reaction limit of the Keller–Rubinow model.
In: Nonlinear differential equations and applications. 28 (2021): 4. - 34 S.
ISSN 1420-9004 ; 1021-9722
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Mohamad, Haidar ; Oliver, Marcel
Numerical Integration of Functions of a Rapidly Rotating Phase.
In: SIAM journal on numerical analysis. 59 (2021) 4. - S. 2310-2319.
ISSN 0036-1429 ; 1095-7170
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Özden, Gözde ; Oliver, Marcel
Variational balance models for the three-dimensional Euler–Boussinesq equations with full Coriolis force.
In: Physics of fluids. 33 (2021) 7: 076606. - 15 S.
ISSN 1089-7666 ; 1070-6631
Darbenas, Zymantas ; van der Hout, Rein ; Oliver, Marcel
Conditional uniqueness of solutions to the Keller-Rubinow model for Liesegang rings in the fast reaction limit.
2020. - 29 S.
arXiv:2011.12441 -
Mohamad, Haidar ; Oliver, Marcel
High-order uniformly accurate time integrators for semilinear wave equations of Klein-Gordon type in the non-relativistic limit.
2020. - 15 S.
arXiv:2008.05227 -
Juricke, Stephan ; Danilov, Sergey ; Koldunov, Nikolay ; Oliver, Marcel
; Sein, Dmitry ; Sidorenko, Dmitry ; Wang, Qiang:
A Kinematic Kinetic Energy Backscatter Parametrization : from Implementation to Global Ocean Simulations.
In: Journal of advances in modeling earth systems : JAMES. 12 (2020) 12: e2020MS002175. - 20 S.
ISSN 1942-2466
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Juricke, Stephan ; Danilov, Sergey ; Koldunov, Nikolay ; Oliver, Marcel
; Sidorenko, Dmitry:
Ocean Kinetic Energy Backscatter Parametrization on Unstructured Grids : Impact on Global Eddy-Permitting Simulations.
In: Journal of advances in modeling earth systems : JAMES. 12 (2020) 1: e2019MS001855. - 21 S.
ISSN 1942-2466
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Akramov, Ibrokhimbek ; Oliver, Marcel
On the Existence of Solutions to a Bi-Planar Monge-Ampère Equation.
In: Acta Mathematica Scientia. 40 (2020). - S. 379-388.
ISSN 1003-3998 ; 1572-9087
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Masur, Gökce Tuba ; Oliver, Marcel
Optimal balance for rotating shallow water in primitive variables.
In: Geophysical & astrophysical fluid dynamics. 114 (2020) 4-5. - S. 429-452.
ISSN 1029-0419 ; 0309-1929
Mohamad, Haidar ; Oliver, Marcel
A direct construction of a slow manifold for a semilinear wave equation of Klein–Gordon type.
In: Journal of differential equations. 267 (2019) 1. - S. 1-14.
ISSN 1090-2732 ; 0022-0396
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Oliver, Marcel
; Vasylkevych, Sergiy:
Geodesic motion on groups of diffeomorphisms with H1 metric as geometric generalised Lagrangian mean theory.
In: Geophysical & astrophysical fluid dynamics. 113 (2019) 5-6. - S. 466-490.
ISSN 1029-0419 ; 0309-1929
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Juricke, Stephan ; Danilov, Sergey ; Kutsenko, Anton ; Oliver, Marcel
Ocean kinetic energy backscatter parametrizations on unstructured grids : impact on mesoscale turbulence in a channel.
In: Ocean modelling. 138 (2019). - S. 51-67.
ISSN 1463-5003 ; 1463-5011
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Danilov, Sergey ; Juricke, Stephan ; Kutsenko, Anton ; Oliver, Marcel
Toward Consistent Subgrid Momentum Closures in Ocean Models.
In: Eden, Carsten ; Iske, Armin (Hrsg.): Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2019. - S. 145-192. - (Mathematics of Planet Earth ; 1)
ISBN 978-3-030-05704-6 ; 978-3-030-05703-9
ISSN 2524-4272
10.1007/978-3-030-05704-6_5 -
Darbenas, Zymantas ; Oliver, Marcel
Uniqueness of solutions for weakly degenerate cordial Volterra integral equations.
In: Journal of integral equations and applications. 31 (2019) 3. - S. 307-327.
ISSN 1938-2626 ; 0897-3962
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Exact Maximal Convergence in Capacity and Zero Distribution of Rational Approximants.
In: Computational methods and function theory. 15 (Dezember 2015) 4. - S. 605-633.
ISSN 1617-9447 ; 2195-3724
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Fieger, Regina:
Discrepancy Theorems for the Zero Distribution of Rational Functions.
In: Constructive approximation. 42 (2015) 1. - S. 65-92.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Distribution of interpolation points of maximally convergent multipoint Padé approximants.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 191 (2015). - S. 46-57.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Maximally convergent rational approximants of meromrophic functions.
In: Banach Center publications / Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics. 107 (2015). - S. 63-78.
ISSN 0137-6934
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Convergence in capacity of rational approximants of meromorphic functions.
In: Publications de l'Institut Mathématique / Nouvelle Série. 96 (2014) 110. - S. 31-39.
ISSN 0350-1302
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Fieger, Regina:
Erdös-Turán-type discrepancy for the zeros of rational functions.
In: Electronic notes in discrete mathematics. 43 (September 2013). - S. 401-409.
ISSN 1571-0653
Luh, Wolfgang ; Nieß, Markus:
Elongating the partial sums of Faber series.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. (13. August 2012).
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Kalmes, Thomas ; Nieß, Markus:
Composition and differentiation operators and fast approximation.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 164 (2012) 1. - S. 57-76.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
On the distribution of zeros and poles of rational approximants on intervals.
In: Abstract and Applied Analysis : AAA. 2012 (2012).
ISSN 1085-3375 ; 1687-0409
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Growth behavior and zero distribution of maximally convergent rational approximants.
In: Neamtu, Marian ; Schumaker, Larry (Hrsg.): Approximation Theory XIII: San Antonio 2010. - New York : Springer, 2011. - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics ; 13)
ISBN 978-1-4614-0771-3 -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On approximation of continuous functions by trigonomeric polynomials.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 163 (2011). - S. 249-266.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On the Distribution of Zeros of Faber Polynomials.
In: Computational methods and function theory. 11 (2011) 1. - S. 263-282.
ISSN 1617-9447 ; 2195-3724
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Fieger, Regina:
On the distribution of zeros of monic polynomials with a given uniform norm on a quasidisk.
In: Analysis : international mathematical journal of analysis and its applications. 31 (2011) 2. - S. 145-163.
ISSN 0174-4747 ; 2196-6753
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus:
On the sharpness of Jentzsch´s Theorem - Generic properties.
In: Houston journal of mathematics. 37 (2011) 2. - S. 577-589.
ISSN 0362-1588
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Regions of meromorphy and value distribution of geometrically converging rational functions.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 382 (2011). - S. 66-76.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Meyrath, Thierry ; Nieß, Markus:
Universal distribution of limit points.
In: Acta mathematica Hungarica. 133 (2011) 3. - S. 288-303.
ISSN 0001-5954 ; 0236-5294
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Growth behaviour and zero distribution of rational approximants.
In: Constructive approximation. 34 (2010). - S. 393-420.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus:
On universal phenomena in the complex plane.
(Habilitation, 2010, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Polynomials with prescribed zeros on an analytic curve.
In: Acta mathematica Hungarica. 128 (2010). - S. 221-238.
ISSN 0001-5954 ; 0236-5294
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus ; Kalmes, Thomas:
Universal zero solutions of linear partial differential operators.
In: Studia mathematica / Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Matematyczny. 198 (2010) 1. - S. 33-51.
ISSN 0039-3223 ; 1730-6337
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Polynomial Approximation of Functions on a Quasi-Smooth Arc with Hermitian Interpolation.
In: Constructive approximation. 30 (August 2009) 1. - S. 121-135.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Blatt, Simon ; Luh, Wolfgang:
On a generalization of Jentzsch´s theorem.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 159 (Juli 2009) 1. - S. 26-38.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On Approximation by Entire Functions on an Unbounded Quasi-Smooth Curve.
In: Computational methods and function theory. 9 (Februar 2009) 2. - S. 525-550.
ISSN 1617-9447 ; 2195-3724
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus:
Close universal approximants of the Riemann zeta-function.
In: Steuding, Rasa ; Steuding, Jörn (Hrsg.): New directions in value-distribution theory of zeta and L-functions : proceedings of the conference, Würzburg, October 6-10, 2008. - Aachen : Shaker, 2009. - S. 295-303
ISBN 978-3-8322-8818-1 -
Grothmann, René ; Sommer, Manfred:
Composing circular arcs with minimal NURBS.
In: International mathematical forum. 4 (2009) 5-8. - S. 193-218.
ISSN 1312-7594
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Divergence of Rational Approximants to Non-Analytic Functions.
In: Bakry, D. ; Beznea, L. ; Boboc, N. ; Rockner, M. (Hrsg.): Potential Theory and Stochastics in Albac : Aurel Cornea Memorial Volume ; conference proceedings, Albac, September 4-8, 2007. - Bucharest : Theta, 2009. - (Theta series in advanced mathematics ; 11)
ISBN 973-87899-5-8 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
The impact of poles on the convergence of best rational approximants.
In: Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis. 44 (2009) 4. - S. 243-251.
ISSN 1068-3623
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Müller, Jürgen ; Nieß, Markus:
Lacunary Tangential Approximation.
In: Indagationes mathematicae / Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. 20 (2009) 3. - S. 453-461.
ISSN 0019-3577 ; 1872-6100
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus:
On universal relatives of the Riemann zeta-function.
In: Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis. 44 (2009) 5. - S. 335-339.
ISSN 1068-3623
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus:
Universal approximants of the Riemann zeta-function.
In: Computational methods and function theory. 9 (2009) 1. - S. 145-159.
ISSN 1617-9447 ; 2195-3724
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Bernal-Gonzáles, Luis ; Bonilla, Antonio ; Nieß, Markus:
Universal functions with prescribed zeros and interpolation properties.
In: Michigan Mathematical Journal. 58 (2009) 3. - S. 627-638.
ISSN 0026-2285 ; 0021-2164
Nieß, Markus:
Generic approach to multiply universal functions.
In: Complex variables and elliptic equations. 53 (2008) 9. - S. 819-831.
ISSN 1747-6933
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Luh, Wolfgang ; Meyrath, Thierry ; Nieß, Markus:
Universal Meromorphic Approximation on Vitushkin Sets.
In: Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis. 43 (2008) 6. - S. 365-371.
ISSN 1068-3623
Nieß, Markus:
MacLane functions with prescribed zeros and interpolation properties.
In: Analysis : international mathematical journal of analysis and its applications. 27 (2007) 2/3. - S. 323-332.
ISSN 0174-4747 ; 2196-6753
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus:
On the zeros of T-universal functions.
In: Analysis : international mathematical journal of analysis and its applications. 26 (2007) 3. - S. 383-392.
ISSN 0174-4747 ; 2196-6753
Gharibyan, Tatevik L. ; Luh, Wolfgang ; Nieß, Markus:
Birkhoff-functions that are bounded on prescribed sets.
In: Archiv der Mathematik. 86 (2006) 3. - S. 261-267.
ISSN 0003-889x ; 1420-8938
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
The influence of poles on equioscillation in rational approximation.
In: Ukrainian mathematical journal. 58 (2006) 2. - S. 3-11.
ISSN 0041-5995
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Sign Changes in Rational L^1_w-approximation.
In: Ukrainian mathematical journal. 58 (2006) 1. - S. 283-287.
ISSN 0041-5995
Nieß, Markus:
Entire functions with universal translates which are bounded on each line.
In: The journal of analysis. 13 (2005). - S. 31-40.
ISSN 0971-3611
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
The interaction of alternation points and poles in rational approximation.
In: Journal of computational and applied mathematics. 179 (2005). - S. 31-46.
ISSN 0771-050x ; 0377-0427
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Nieß, Markus:
Universal entire functions with additional properties.
In: Journal of contemporary mathematical analysis. 40 (2005) 6. - S. 34-40.
ISSN 1068-3623
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Sequences with equi-distributed extreme points in uniform polynomial approximation.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 126 (2004). - S. 157-170.
ISSN 0021-9045
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Alternation Points in Rational Chebyshev Approximation.
In: Bojanov, Borislav D. (Hrsg.): Constructive Theory of Functions : Varna 2002 ; International Conference on Constructive Theory of Functions which took place in Varna on June 19 - 23, 2002. - Sofia : DARBA, 2003. - S. 213-218
ISBN 954-901266-2 -
Analytical and Approximate Methods : International Conference at the Kyrgyz-Russian-Slavic University Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, September 23-24, 2002.
Hrsg.: Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Felix, Rainer ; Lelevkina, Liliya G. ; Sommer, Manfred
Aachen : Shaker, 2003. - XI, 233 S.
ISBN 3-8322-2147-6 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Discrepancy Estimates and Rational Chebyshev Approximation.
In: Bojanov, Borislav D. (Hrsg.): Constructive Theory of Functions : Varna 2002 ; International Conference on Constructive Theory of Functions which took place in Varna on June 19 - 23, 2002. - Sofia : DARBA, 2003. - S. 219-224
ISBN 954-901266-2
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Poles and alternation points in real rational Chebyshev Approximation.
In: Computational methods and function theory. 3 (2003). - S. 165-177.
ISSN 1617-9447 ; 2195-3724
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Hirschberger, Markus:
Struktur effizienter Punkte in Quadratischen Vektoroptimierungsproblemen.
Aachen : Shaker, 2003. - 137 S. - (Berichte aus der Mathematik)
ISBN 3-8322-1300-7
(Dissertation, 2002, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Discrepancy of signed measures and polynomial approximation.
New York : Springer, 2002. - 438 S. - (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
ISBN 0-387-98652-9 -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On L^p-discrepancy of signed measures.
In: Constructive approximation. 18 (2002). - S. 19-36.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
On sign changes in weighted polynomial approximation.
In: Acta mathematica Hungarica. 95 (2002). - S. 309-322.
ISSN 0001-5954 ; 0236-5294
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N.:
A local discrepancy theorem.
In: Indagationes mathematicae / Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. 12 (2001) 1. - S. 23-39.
ISSN 0019-3577 ; 1872-6100
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Orthogonal polynomials, potential theory and discrepancy theorems.
In: Jain, Pawan K. (Hrsg.): Wavelets and Allied Topics. - Pangbourne : Alpha Science Int., 2001. - S. 291-327
ISBN 1-84265-076-9
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Götz, Mario:
On the divergence phenomenon in Hermite-Fejér interpolation.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 106 (2000) 2. - S. 276-286.
ISSN 0021-9045
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Götz, Mario:
Discrepancy estimates on the sphere.
In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 128 (1999) 3. - S. 179-188.
ISSN 0026-9255 ; 1436-5081
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Erdös-Turán type theorems on quasiconformal curves and arcs.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 97 (1999) 2. - S. 334-365.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Local discrepancy theorems for the distributions of zeros of polynomials.
In: Priezzhev, V. B. (Hrsg.): Self-similar systems : Proceedings of the international workshop, Dubna, Russia, July 30-August 7, 1998. - Dubna : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 1999. - S. 282-288
ISBN 5-85165-525-9 -
Grothmann, René:
On the problem of Poreda.
In: Papamichael, Nicolas ; Ruscheweyh, Stephan ; Saff, Edward B. (Hrsg.): Computational Methods and Function Theory 1997 : Proceedings of the Third CMFT Conference, 13-17 October 1997, Nicosia, Cyprus. - Singapore : World Scientific, 1999. - S. 267-273. - (Series in approximations and decompositions ; 11)
ISBN 981-02-3626-3 -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On zeros of near-best approximants.
In: East journal on approximations. 5 (1999) 2. - S. 223-233.
ISSN 1310-6236
Hüsing, Jörg:
Abschätzungen für die Diskrepanz von signierten Maßen durch deren Energienorm.
Aachen : Shaker, 1998. - II. 77 S. - (Berichte aus der Mathematik)
ISBN 3-8265-3578-2
(Dissertation, 1998, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N.:
Some discrepancy theorems in the theory of weighted polynomial approximation.
In: Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 219 (1998) 2. - S. 312-330.
ISSN 0022-247x ; 1096-0813
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Kovacheva, Ralitza K.:
Approximation of an unbounded interval.
In: Analysis : international mathematical journal of analysis and its applications. 17 (1997) 2/3. - S. 197-218.
ISSN 0174-4747 ; 2196-6753
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
A discrepancy lemma for oscillating polynomials and sign changes of the error function of best approximants.
In: Annals of numerical mathematics : journal edition. 4 (1997) 1/4. - S. 55-66.
ISSN 1021-2655 -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
A discrepancy theorem on quasiconformal curves.
In: Constructive approximation. 13 (1997) 3. - S. 363-379.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Erdös-Turán-type theorems on piecewise smooth curves and arcs.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 88 (1997) 1. - S. 109-134.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Andrievskii, Vladimir V. ; Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On the distribution of zeros of polynomials on an analytic curve.
In: East journal on approximations. 3 (1997) 4. - S. 485-493.
ISSN 1310-6236
Grothmann, René:
Distribution of Interpolation Points.
In: Arkiv för matematik. 34 (1996) 1. - S. 103-117.
ISSN 0004-2080
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N.:
A discrepancy theorem concerning polynomials of best approximation in $L^p_w [-1,1]$.
In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 120 (1995) 2. - S. 91-103.
ISSN 0026-9255 ; 1436-5081
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
The distribution of sign changes of the error function in best $L^p$-approximation.
In: Ali, Rosihan M. (Hrsg.): Computational methods and function theory 1994 : Proceedings of the conference, Penang, Malaysia, March 21-25, 1994. - Singapore : World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995. - S. 75-88. - (Series in Approximations and Decompositions ; 5)
ISBN 981-02-2129-0 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On discrepancy theorems with applications to approximation theory.
In: Jakóbczak, Piotr (Hrsg.): Topics in complex analysis : Proceedings of the semester on complex analysis, held in autumn of 1992 at the International Banach Center in Warsaw, Poland. - Warschau : Institut of Mathematics, 1995. - S. 115-123. - (Banach Center publications ; 31)
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N.:
A general discrepancy theorem.
In: Arkiv för matematik. 31 (1993) 2. - S. 219-246.
ISSN 0004-2080
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grothmann, René:
Interpolation Points and Zeros of Polynomials in Approximation Theory.
(Habilitation, 1993, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Grothmann, René ; Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N.:
Detection of Singularities using Segment Approximation.
In: Mathematics of computation. 59 (1992) 200.
ISSN 0025-5718
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On the distribution of simple zeros of polynomials.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 69 (1992) 3. - S. 250-268.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Verteilung der Nullstellen von Polynomen auf Jordanbögen.
In: Buchmann, Johannes ; Ganzinger, H. ; Paul, Wolfgang J. (Hrsg.): Informatik : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Günter Hotz. - Stuttgart : Teubner, 1992. - S. 55-67
ISBN 3-8154-2033-4
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Grothmann, René:
Erdös-Turán theorems on a system of Jordan curves and arcs.
In: Constructive approximation. 7 (1991) 1. - S. 19-47.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
Grothmann, René:
On the Zeros of Sequences of Polynomials.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 61 (Juni 1990) 3. - S. 351-359.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On the distribution of the points of Chebyshev alternation with applications to strong unicity constants.
In: Acta mathematica Hungarica. 55 (1990) 1/2. - S. 75-82.
ISSN 0001-5954 ; 0236-5294
Spagl, Christoph:
Charakterisierung und Numerik in der linearen komplexen Tschebyscheff-Approximation.
1989. - 119 S.
(Dissertation, 1989, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) -
Borwein, Peter ; Kroó, András ; Grothmann, René ; Saff, Ed B.:
The Density of Alternation Points in Rational Approximation.
In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 105 (1989) 4. - S. 881-888.
ISSN 0002-9939 ; 1088-6826
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Saff, Ed B. ; Totik, Vilmos:
The distribution of extreme points in best complex polynomial approximation.
In: Constructive approximation. 5 (1989) 3. - S. 357-370.
ISSN 0176-4276 ; 1432-0940
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grothmann, René:
A Note on Strong Uniqueness Constants.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 58 (1989) 3. - S. 358-360.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grothmann, René:
Ostrowski Gaps, Overconvergence and Zeros of Polynomials.
In: Chui, Charles K. ; Schumaker, Larry L. ; Ward, Joseph D. (Hrsg.): Approximation theory VI : proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Approximation Theory, held at Texas A & M University on January 9-13,1989. Volume 1. - Boston : Academic Press, 1989. - S. 303-306
ISBN 0-12-174586-4
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper)
Gauthier, Paul M. ; Grothmann, René ; Hengartner, Walter:
Asymptotic Maximum Principles for Subharmonic and Plurisubharmonic Functions.
In: Canadian journal of mathematics. 40 (1988) 2. - S. 477-486.
ISSN 0008-414x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Saff, Ed B. ; Simkani, Mehrdad:
Jentzsch-Szegö type theorems for the zeros of best approximants.
In: The journal of the London Mathematical Society. 38 (1988) 2. - S. 307-316.
ISSN 0024-6107
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grothmann, René:
Local uniqueness in non-uniqueness spaces.
In: Approximation theory and its applications : ATA. 4 (1988) 4. - S. 35-39.
ISSN 1000-9221
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Lorentz, George G.:
On a theorem of Kadec.
In: Sendov, Blagovest Ch. (Hrsg.): Constructive Theory of Functions : proceedings of the International Conference on Constructive Theory of Functions ; Varna, May 24 - May 31, 1987. - Sofia : Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1988. - S. 56-64 -
Grothmann, René ; Saff, Ed B.:
On the behavior of zeros and poles of best uniform polynomial and rational approximants.
In: Cuyt, Annie (Hrsg.): Nonlinear numerical methods and rational approximation. - Dordrecht : Reidel, 1988. - S. 57-75. - (Mathematics and its applications ; 43)
ISBN 90-277-2669-8
(Begutachteter Beitrag / peer-reviewed paper) -
Grothmann, René:
On the Real CF-Method for Polynomial Approximation and Strong Unicity Constants.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 55 (1988) 1. - S. 86-103.
ISSN 0021-9045
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Iserles, Arieh ; Saff, Ed B.:
Remarks on the behaviour of zeros of best approximating polynomials and rational functions.
In: Mason, John C. ; Cox, Maurice G. (Hrsg.): Algorithms for approximation : based on the proceedings of the IMA Conference on Algorithms for the Approximation of Functions and Data held at the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, July 1985. - Oxford : Clarendon Pr., 1987. - S. 437-445
ISBN 0-198-53612-7
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Saff, Ed B.:
Behavior of zeros of polynomials of near best approximation.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 46 (1986). - S. 323-344.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Lipschitz continuity and strong unicity in G. Freud's work.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 46 (1986). - S. 25-31.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Near circularity and zeros of the error function for Chebyshev approximation on a disk.
In: Approximation theory and its applications : ATA. 2 (1986) 1. - S. 65-80.
ISSN 1000-9221
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Grothmann, René:
Zur Größenordnung der starken Eindeutigkeitskonstanten von holomorphen Funktionen.
1986. - 114 S.
(Dissertation, 1986, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Characterization of strong unicity in semi-infinite optimization by chain of references.
In: Brosowski, Bruno (Hrsg.) : Parametric optimization and approximation : conference held at the Mathemat. Forschungsinst., Oberwolfach, Oct. 16 - 22, 1983. - Basel : Birkhäuser, 1985. - S. 36-46. - (Internationale Schriftenreihe Numerische Mathematik ; 72)
ISBN 3-7643-1671-3 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Saff, Ed B.:
Distribution of zeros of polynomial sequences, especially best approximations.
In: Meinardus, Günter ; Nürnberger Günther (Hrsg.): Delay Equations, Approximation and Application : International Symposium at the University of Mannheim, October 8–11, 1984. - Basel u.a. : Birkhäuser, 1985. - S. 71-82
ISBN 3-7643-1733-7 -
Grothmann, René:
Optimal Recovery by Linear Functionals.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 44 (1985) 2. - S. 167-172.
ISSN 0021-9045
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Exchange algorithms, error estimations and strong unicity in convex programming and Chebyshev approximation.
In: Singh, Sankatha P. ; Burry, John H. ; Watson, B. (Hrsg.): Approximation Theory and Spline Functions : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Inst. on Approximation Theory and Spline Functions, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, Aug. 22 - Sept. 2, 1983. - Dordrecht [u.a] : Reidel, 1984. - S. 23-63. - (Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences ; 136)
ISBN 90-277-1818-0 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
On strong uniqueness in linear Chebyshev approximation.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 41 (1984). - S. 159-169.
ISSN 0021-9045
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Kaiser, Uwe ; Ruffer-Beedgen, Beate:
A multiple exchange algorithm in convex programming.
In: Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste ; Oettli, Werner ; Stoer, Josef (Hrsg.): Optimization : Theory and Algorithms. - New York u.a. : Dekker, 1983. - S. 113-130. - (Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics ; 86)
ISBN 0-8247-7019-6 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Near circularity of the error curve and zeros of the error function for Chebyshev approximation on a disk.
In: Chui, Charles K. ; Schumaker Larry L. ; Ward, Joseph D. (Hrsg.): Approximation Theory IV : proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory held at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, on January 10-14, 1983. - New York, NY : Academic Press, 1983. - S. 341-345
ISBN 0-12-174580-5
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Strenge Eindeutigkeitskonstanten und Fehlerabschätzungen bei linearer Tschebyscheff-Approximation.
In: Collatz, Lothar ; Meinardus Günter ; Werner, Helmut (Hrsg.): Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie Bd. 6 : Workshop on Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory, Oberwolfach, January 18 - 24, 1981. - Basel : Birkhäuser, 1982. - S. 9-25. - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics ; 59)
ISBN 3-7643-1304-8
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Nürnberger, Günther ; Sommer, Manfred:
A characterization of pointwise-Lipschitz-continuous selections for the metric projection.
In: Numerical functional analysis and optimization. 4 (1981). - S. 101-121.
ISSN 0163-0563
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Geometric convergence of Chebyshev rational approximations on $[0,\infty]$.
In: Sendov, Blagovest Ch. (Hrsg.): Konstruktivnaja teorija funkcij '77 : trudy Meždunarodnoj Konferencii po Konstruktivnoj Teorii Funkcij, Blagoevgrad, 30 maja - 6 ijunja 1977. - Sofia : Izdat. Bolgarskoj Akad. Nauk, 1980. - S. 245-247 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Lipschitz-Stabilität von Optimierungs- und Approximationsaufgaben.
In: Collatz, Lothar ; Meinardus, Günter ; Werner, H. (Hrsg.): Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie Vol. 5., Excerpts of the Conference on Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory : March 18 - 24, 1979 at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Black Forest. - Basel : Birkhäuser, 1980. - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics ; 52)
ISBN 3-7643-1103-7 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Braess, Dietrich:
Zur rationalen Approximation von $e^{-x}$ auf $[0,\infty]$.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 30 (1980). - S. 169-172.
ISSN 0021-9045
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
A general Remes algorithm in real or complex normed linear spaces.
In: Handscomb David C. (Hrsg.): Multivariate approximation : symposium held at the University of Durham from July 21 to July 30, 1977. - London [u.a.] : Academic Press, 1978. - S. 145-153
ISBN 0-12-323350-X -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Ein hinreichendes Kriterium für geometrische Konvergenz rationaler Tschebyscheff-Approximationen auf $[0,\infty]$.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 23 (1978). - S. 229-241.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Zur Anzahl der Interpolationspunkte polynomialer Tschebyscheff- Approximationen im Einheitskreis.
In: Collatz Lothar ; Meinardus, Günter ; Werner, Helmut (Hrsg.): Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie. Band 4., Vortragsauszüge der Tagung über Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie vom 13. - 19. November 1977 im Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Schwarzwald). - Basel : Birkhäuser, 1978. - S. 61-77. - (International series of numerical mathematics ; 42)
ISBN 3-7643-1025-1
Blatt, Hans-Peter ; Herzfeld, Ute ; Klotz, Volker:
Ein Approximationsproblem aus der Pharmakokinetik.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 21 (1977). - S. 89-106.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Rationale Tschebyscheff-Approximation über unbeschränkten Intervallen.
In: Numerische Mathematik. 27 (1977). - S. 179-190.
ISSN 0029-599x
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Ein Störungssatz zur rationalen Tschebyscheff-Approximation über $[0,\infty ]$.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 21 (1977). - S. 246-256.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Zur Stetigkeit rationaler T-Approximationen über unbeschränkten Intervallen.
In: Numerische Mathematik. 27 (1977). - S. 191-202.
ISSN 0029-599x
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Geometric convergence of rational functions to the reciprocal of exponential sums on $[0,\infty]$.
In: Law, Allan G. ; Sahney, Badri N. (Hrsg.): Theory of Approximation : with Applications ; proceedings of a conference conducted by the University of Calgary and the University of Regina, at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 11 - 13, 1975. - New York : Academic Press, 1976. - S. 111-119
ISBN 0-12-438950-3 -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Rationale Approximierbarkeit singulärer Funktionen über $[0,\infty]$.
In: Schaback, Robert ; Scherer, Karl (Hrsg.): Approximation Theory : Proceedings Of An International Colloquium Held At Bonn, Germany, June 8-11, 1976. - Heidelberg : Springer, 1976. - S. 1-15. - (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 556)
ISBN 3-540-08001-5 ; 0-387-08001-5
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Stetigkeitseigenschaften von Optimierungsaufgaben und lineare Tschebyscheff-Approximation.
In: Ciesielski, Zbigniew ; Musielak Julian (Hrsg.): Approximation Theory : proceedings of the Conference jointly organized by the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Mathematics of the Adam Mickiewicz University held in Poznan, 22 - 26 August, 1972. - Dordrecht : Reidel, 1975. - S. 33-48
ISBN 90-277-0483-X
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Some remarks on an alternation theorem of Geiger.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 11 (1974). - S. 338-342.
ISSN 0021-9045
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Nicht-lineare gleichmäßige Simultanapproximation.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 8 (1973). - S. 210-248.
ISSN 0021-9045
(Peer-Review-Journal) -
Blatt, Hans-Peter:
Über rationale Tschebyscheff-Approximation mehrerer Funktionen.
In: Journal of approximation theory. 9 (1973). - S. 126-148.
ISSN 0021-9045
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