1. The Problem
A main problem in stochastic model building is to find an adequate stochastic model for the problem and/or for the data under consideration. To examine the model it is important to develop suitable model checks. In practice, however, the chosen model is seldomly checked. In this project we want to develop a suitable model check based on residual partial sums processes (CUSUM technique) for growth curve models.
Especially, we have in mind the growth curve model we developed for the analysis of the desinfection mechanics of waste-water in marine environment, see Bischoff, Huang and Yang (2006). A corresponding growth curve model for binary responses is a second model we are interested in. Such data occur in our context when our original data are judged/fixed as good or not good according
as they are smaller or larger than a given threshold. For the second model a suitable growth curve model has still to be developed. Additionally, it is of interest to compare the results of both models. But such a comparison is only useful if both models are adequate which must be investigated by model checks.
2. The Experiments
The example of a real experiment is taken from Bischoff, Huang and Yang (2006) about the natural desinfection mechanism of the waste-water in marine environment for ocean outfall systems without chlorination. In the study of the desinfection on waste-water in marine environment by Bischoff et al. (2006), two natural factors, consisting of light intensity and salinity, one controllable factor, the volumetric mixing ratio of sea-water to waste-water, and one random effect factor, the existence of predator, were investigated. Experiments were performed based on a rotatable central composite design with different factor level combinations for investigating the die-off rate of E. coli bacteria, which are considered as an important indicator of fecal pollution in marine environment. Methods for establishing a stochastic model and corresponding analysis for the data obtained from the experiments were provided.
In this work, the method developed for model check on growth curve model will apply to the data from the experiments. In the meantime, while monitoring of the water quality at marine bathing sites, E. coli is one of the most important indicators of the water quality. It is quite common to present the water quality as passing or not passing with binary responses and repeated data. The methods developed for the growth curve model for the binary response experiments will be tested by reducing the real data to whether passing or not passing a threshold, to see how the results compared with those with the real data.
3. Current state of art, techniques and objectives
To check homogeneity of data it is common and popular to use CUSUM (Cumulative SUM, partial sums) techniques. Partial sums of least squares residuals are used to check ordinary regression models, see MacNeill (1978a,b), Ploberger and Krämer (1992), Bischoff (1998, 2002), Bischoff and Miller (2000). Cramèr-von Mises or Kolmogorov(-Smirnov) type statistics can be applied to the partial sums of least squares residuals, see MacNeill (1978a,b), Bischoff, Hashorva, Hüsler and Miller (2003, 2004, 2005). Results for more complicated regression models are rare, see MacNeill and Jandhyala (1985) for non-linear regression, MacNeill and Jandhyala (1993) for spatial data and MacNeill and Tang (1993) for certain correlation.
One objective of our project is to develop a model check based on the least squares residuals for our growth curve model developed in Bischoff et al. (2006). A second objective is to develop a suitable growth curve model for our corresponding binary data. Moreover, for this growth curve model we have to develop a model check based on the partial sums of the least squares residuals as well.
It is worth mentioning that our investigations are hindered by correlation of the data. Moreover, for the theoretical results asymptotic techniques are usually applied. It is not obvious, however, whether asymptotic arguments are applicable for our specific model and data. Therefore, the theoretical investigations have to be accompanied by simulations and/or resampling techniques.
Based on the above investigations, we should be able to build up some stochastic models and provide useful information on the understanding of the treatment processes of the waste-water. Later it may be used as basis of the planning of the future sewage treatment plan in Taiwan.
By the results of our study we also intend to increase the level of intuition for the considered type of models to make it more applicable to wider problem areas. This methodological development is of potential usefulness for such diverse applications as experimental economics, biochemistry, clinical trials, industrial production, etc.
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Angaben zum Forschungsprojekt
Beginn des Projekts: | 18. Januar 2008 |
Ende des Projekts: | 31. Dezember 2009 |
Projektstatus: | abgeschlossen |
Projektleitung: | Bischoff, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang |
Beteiligte Personen: | Gegg, Andreas |
Lehrstuhl/Institution: |
Finanzierung des Projekts: | Begutachtete Drittmittel |
Geldgeber: | DAAD |
Projektpartner: |
Projekttyp: | Grundlagenforschung |
Projekt-ID: | 584 |
Letzte Änderung: 17. Feb 2023 03:25
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