Due to their simplicity and flexibility, cellular automata have been successfully used to describe many physical, sociological, technical, and economic processes, including modeling biological pattern formation such as tumor growth and cell adhesion processes, epidemics, traffic on roads, and biofilm growth. Together with other project participants, project leaders Nadja Ray and Andreas Rupp have developed and used CA models in joint preliminary work to describe the formation and turnover of microaggregates in soils. However, the validity of cellular automata strongly depends on the choice of appropriate parameters that balance the relevant and competing physical processes. In this project, we will develop methods to identify such parameters.
Angaben zum Forschungsprojekt
Beginn des Projekts: | 1. Januar 2022 |
Ende des Projekts: | 28. Februar 2024 |
Projektstatus: | abgeschlossen |
Projektleitung: | Ray, Prof. Dr. Nadja |
Lehrstuhl/Institution: |
Finanzierung des Projekts: | Begutachtete Drittmittel |
Projektpartner: |
Themengebiete: | S Mathematik; Informatik |
Projekttyp: | Grundlagenforschung |
Webseite: | |
Projekt-ID: | 3750 |
Letzte Änderung: 04. Feb 2025 12:27
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