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Forschungsprojekt ::
Verbal and Nominal constructions in the history of English: Variation and conventionalization


Verbal and Nominal constructions in the history of English: Variation and conventionalization, to be published with John Benjamins in the series Current Issues in Linguistic Theory is a collection of 14 articles by distinguished international scholars active in the field of English historical linguistics. The studies are refereed and revised versions of papers presented at the 15th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics at the University of Munich 2008 (23–30 August). The papers selected for this volume are all focussed on the history of verbal and nominal syntax in English and include constructionist, corpus-linguistic and contact-linguistic approaches.

Beside the wide interest in the topic of the volume among scholars interested in current cutting-edge research in the history of English syntax, the articles of the volume will provide material for courses in departments of English and General Linguistics, illustrating a range of theories and methods which are valid and relevant in the reconstruction of linguistic processes and typology over a long time-span in various text types.

Angaben zum Forschungsprojekt

Beginn des Projekts:2007
Ende des Projekts:2010
Projektleitung:Lenker, Prof. Dr. Ursula
Huber, M.A. Judith
Mailhammer, Dr. Robert
Finanzierung des Projekts:Nicht begutachtete Drittmittel
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Sauer, Lehrstuhl für Historische Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Mittelalterliche Literatur, LMU München
Themengebiete:H Anglistik; Amerikanistik
H Anglistik; Amerikanistik > HE Englische Sprache - Allgemeines
H Anglistik; Amerikanistik > HE Englische Sprache - Allgemeines > Altenglisch
H Anglistik; Amerikanistik > HE Englische Sprache - Allgemeines > Mittelenglisch
H Anglistik; Amerikanistik > HF Englische Sprache - Neuenglisch (ab 1500)


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Eingestellt am: 11. Mär 2010 16:09
Letzte Änderung: 10. Jul 2018 03:20
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